Cover Reveal: Mischief and Mates by M.A. Innes

So excited to be able to share the cover of Mischief and Mates by M.A. Innes, which releases on Amazon on April 26th, or you can order directly from the author for early access April 21st Release

From the blurb:

Mates. As a human, Alick’s never been jealous of flying or magic, but mates…well, that’s worth a bit of envy and a dash of bad decisions. But with magic in the air and a mate who might be under a compulsion, all he can do is pray to the ancestors that they haven’t killed his potential mate…or worse.

Troublemakers. Grady’s always known his mate is out there somewhere waiting for him, but what he never expected is to be put under a compulsion or to find his mate in the strangest town he’s ever been to. But with the magic of mates and an adorable little who needs a Daddy and a bit of confidence, anything is possible.

If a spell can find wallets, keys, and phones, surely it can find where Alick’s mate has wandered off to, right?


"I must’ve looked as confused as I felt because he finally chuckled. “Ages ago, I had a friend who said his parents lost his mother’s antique necklace. This was before GPS and all that fun stuff, and they didn’t realize it was gone until they’d done a cross country trip.”

That would’ve sucked. “Oh man.” 

 Grinning at my reaction, he nodded. “Yeah, and the only physical map they had was a map book that covered all of North America. It messed with the spell so they couldn’t see where on the map the necklace was, but the magic still took their intent and just handled it in a different way. Within an hour, a housekeeper at one of the hotels they’d stayed at found it and the hotel called them.”

“Wow.” That sounded better than the rabbit story. 

“So, it seems like we might not have anything to worry about physically, but Alick’s mate might be somewhere slightly frustrated with us?” Daddy Monroe raised a very good question and Lorne finally sighed as he leaned back against Monroe’s chest. 

“Oh, Alick, I don’t want your Daddy to be mad at us.” Lorne’s voice shook as his eyes watered. “I’m sorry.”

That was what finally made him realize he’d fucked up?

Carrick just rolled his eyes and Daddy Monroe finally gave up, smiling behind Lorne’s back as he kissed his naughty boy’s head. “I’m sure he’ll be very understanding once we explain the mix-up.”

Yeah, very understanding…as long as the magic hadn’t fucked up his life too much trying to help fix mine.


I finally get my mate and he was going to be pissed. 

Pre-order today!  Mischief and Mates by M.A. Innes, which releases on Amazon on April 26th, or you can order directly from the author for early access April 21st  Release
