Daddy Christmas by Cara Dee

Cara Dee invites us to meet Parker during the holiday season as he sets his sights on Daddy Christmas

From the blurb:

The annual holiday office party is the one occasion my silver fox boss isn’t his rigid, uptight self—not to mention completely liberated of a sense of humor. For a single, magical evening, he replaces Armani with a Santa suit and grabs a couple drinks with his employees. He might even chuckle once or twice!

Through no fault of my own, I end up half-naked and embarrassingly drunk on candy cane Jell-O shots. I plant my sweet rear on his lap, call him Daddy Christmas, tell him I’ve been a good boy, and ask for a very specific gift.

So I’m pretty sure I’m about to get fired.

Autumn's Review:

This book is super sweet and filled with fluff.

Cara somehow made a smaller book, but knowing her, we'll see Parker and his daddy again in other books.

This book is for the people who enjoy Christmas stories with a side of kinky fluff. It was sugary sweet, well written and adorable.

Rating: 4 Stars

Red's Book Reads Review:

This was a really cute Christmas story and Parker had me giggling away at times. I loved the cameo from some of the characters from The Game series as well and thought this was a really great touch. This is definitely one that I will be adding to my seasonal reread list

Rating: 4 Stars

Heather's Review:

Who needs a quick, kinky MM holiday story in their life?  I did!  Co-workers, opposites attract, age gap, holiday hijinks... all of it packed into a novella with a dash of daddy kink and some international travel.

I enjoyed this book - Parker is just so game for anything and so willing to put himself out there to make his Daddy smile and it was lovely to read - not to mention steamy!

If you need a book to heat up your kindle, I recommend grabbing Daddy Christmas.

Rating: 5 Stars

Lesetiger's Review:

If you want to read a super sweet holiday story with a pinch of humor and a bit of kink, this is the book for you. 

The story is a quick read, wonderfully written, has hot protagonists and, as I said, is really sweet. Parker is prepared to give everything to make his daddy happy. 

I really enjoyed this entertaining story. 

Gabrielle's Review:

This is a sweet and sexy story. Parker is a fun loving and excitable young man while Wyatt is the total opposite. When their paths cross Wyatt and Parker’s lives will be forever changed. Christmas is a holiday filled with love and fun, which Parker is determined to have and share with as many people as he can. 

I enjoyed meeting these two and watching their relationship take shape. It was nice to see the difference in personalities. Parker is a cute and energetic young man, while Wyatt is a stern responsible man. I love the way Wyatt cares for Parker and the joy Parker finds in their relationship. Their journey is fast paced and the emotions come quickly between these two. This story is fast paced and a full of moments that will make you smile. 

Daddy Christmas is available in e-book format from your favourite e-tailer - more links below:


Genre: MM Romance/Holiday Romance
Release Day: Friday, December 15th, 2023

Buy Direct from the Author:
Kobo Plus:

Standalone | Holiday Romance | Age gap | Comedy | Daddykink


I cleared my throat to get his attention. “Mr. Abrams?”

He stopped typing on his computer and peered at me over the rim of his glasses.

“I have a delivery for you from Mr. Williams on the ground floor,” I said. “Suravi’s not here, but I can leave it on her desk if you’d prefer.”

He dismissed that and motioned for me to come forward.

I could make some serious strides on my Fitbit in his office, it was that big. At least compared to the tiny office I shared with Mya and Kim. And “office” was a stretch. Only a single single wall separated us from the cubicle area.

“It sounds like a Christmas gift, sir,” I commented as I handed him the parcels.

“It makes sounds?” He wasn’t pleased. “Then please stay here while I open it so I can decide whether to send it back with you.”

Hey. Rude. “Maybe Santa can replace it with a lump of coal.”

“Perhaps,” was his only reaction.

While he carefully tore the wrapping, I inspected his boring desk. I mean, the desk itself was nice, probably some expensive mahogany or oak thing, but he had nothing personal on it. No photos, no knickknacks. I knew he was unmarried and had no kids, but he had several nieces and nephews.

“It’s a nice rug you have here,” I offered. “I kinda wanna do cartwheels on it.” Or break-dance all over it with Kim.

He paused his unwrapping and glanced up at me. “You don’t have to fill the silence.”

“No, I know. I do that voluntarily.”

“That’s a shame,” he muttered and returned to his gift.

I suppressed a sigh and stuck my hands down into the pockets of my slacks.

The only thing that was a crying shame was this fun-sucker of a man. I could count my interactions with him on one hand—in the four years I’d been here—and they’d all required some serious aftercare to brighten my mood again.

Underneath the plain wrapping paper was a bottle of whiskey or scotch, and he held it up to read the tag strapped to its neck.

“This is a nice bourbon,” he commented. “I’m sure my uncle will enjoy it.”


“It’s addressed to Clarke Abrams, my uncle.” He set the bottle aside, along with the other parcel, and I cursed to myself. “I assume this package is for him too. I’ll be at corporate tomorrow—I can deliver them to him.”


Fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck.

Very few things embarrassed me, but this kind of mistake definitely did. My collar felt tight, and my ears started burning.

“I’m so sorry, sir. That’s my mistake,” I managed to say. “Mr. Williams told me to personally deliver it to Mr. Abrams at corporate, and I just assumed he meant you—and you’re here on Wednesdays, so… I’m sorry. This isn’t actually my job, so you don’t have to worry about this happening again. I’ll be back at my desk as soon as the servers—”

“Please, for the love of God, stop rambling.” Mr. Abrams leaned back in his seat. I swallowed uncomfortably. He observed me. “If Mr. Williams gave you the instructions, your assumption feels…foolish.”

“Yep. Well aware. It’s been a long week.” Fuck, let me get out of here, please.

“It’s Wednesday.”

“So people keep telling me.” I gestured to the packages. “May I have them back? I need to go downtown before your uncle leaves for the day.”

“He won’t get them, regardless.” He checked his watch. “He leaves right after the breakfast meeting on the days my aunt gets dialysis.”

That was…sweet, I supposed. Clarke Abrams was in his seventies, if I wasn’t mistaken. It probably wouldn’t be that many years before he handed over the corporation to two of his sons and the nephew in front of me.

I suddenly had an idea. “You’re going to corporate tomorrow.”

“As I mentioned.”

“And you live in Santa Monica, right?”

His forehead creased. “I do.”

“So you’re passing Culver City on the way,” I said. “We can carpool. Pick me up outside the office tomorrow, and that way, I can follow Mr. Williams’s order and deliver the packages to Mr. Abrams myself. What do you say?”

“I was unaware that you were capable of following orders.”

“Hey.” I put my hands on my hips, getting a tad irritated. I knew I’d fucked up. How long did I have to suffer? “You’ve never complained about my work before. Please cut me some slack.”

He frowned at me. He was good at that. “I don’t even know who you are, what your name is, or what it is that you do here.”

“My name is Parker Jacobson, and I’m a mildly insulted graphic designer,” I replied. “I designed your business cards, among other things.”

Such as this year’s gift to the employees from corporate.

“I see.” He leaned forward and picked up one of his business cards from the little holder. “Well, Parker Jacobson, it’s not normal behavior to ask your boss for a ride.”

My ears felt hot again. The man made me feel like Bambi on ice, which I’d already thought was my default setting in life. I usually tumbled around and hoped for the best. And I knew I wasn’t always normal. Most people had a little voice in the back of their head that let them know what was okay to say out loud. Well, that voice fell out and died when my mom dropped me as a baby.

“Excuse me for trying to save the planet,” I fibbed. “We’re in a global climate crisis, you know.”

He snorted at that, and for a fraction of a second, I swore I spotted a smile. I took that as a huge win.

Then he pushed the packages my way again. “Be downstairs at seven thirty on the dot, and if you speak excessively in the car, you’ll walk the rest of the way.”

“Thank you so much, sir.” I grinned and hurriedly scooped up the packages again. “I’ll have the bottle rewrapped. I’m looking forward to my walk. See you tomorrow.”

About Cara

I’m often awkwardly silent or, if the topic interests me, a chronic rambler. In other words, I can discuss writing forever and ever. Fiction, in particular. The love story—while a huge draw and constantly present—is secondary for me, because there’s so much more to writing romance fiction than just making two (or more) people fall in love and have hot sex. 

There’s a world to build, characters to develop, interests to create, and a topic or two to research thoroughly. 

Every book is a challenge for me, an opportunity to learn something new, and a puzzle to piece together. I want my characters to come to life, and the only way I know to do that is to give them substance—passions, history, goals, quirks, and strong opinions—and to let them evolve.

I want my men and women to be relatable. That means allowing room for everyday problems and, for lack of a better word, flaws. My characters will never be perfect.

Wait…this was supposed to be about me, not my writing.

I'm a writey person who loves to write. Always wanderlusting, twitterpating, kinking, cooking, baking, and geeking. There’s time for hockey and family, too. But mostly, I just love to write. 

Find Cara on social media here:
