Patience is the perfect title for the first book in Lark Taylor's Damned Connections series because I don't think anyone has been more patient in their lives than Ferry.
From the blurb:
I paid the ultimate price when I took the gamble to save my mate’s soul.
I’ve been called many names over the millennia, all thanks to my role in Hell.
Ferrying dead souls over the river Styx.
But few know the demon behind the legend, how I came to be here, or the freedom I sacrificed to save the man I love.
Now I’m free to find him again. The problem? He doesn’t remember me.
And he’s straight.
Leo fell madly in love with me once before. Will he fall again before it’s too late?
All my life, I’ve felt like something is missing. Neither my job as a firefighter, my brother Matty, nor my ex-girlfriends have been able to fill that hole.
When a mysterious stranger approaches me in a bar, I find myself captivated.
I’ve never been attracted to men before, but I can’t seem to resist him.
Why is it that spending time with Ferry feels so…right? So familiar?
Patience is a fated-mates, second-chance PNR romance. The first in the Damned Connections series, each book will follow a different couple as they find their HEA. Although better read in order, these books can stand alone.
Jacqueleen the Reading Queen's Review:
"๐๐ค๐ฌ ๐๐ค ๐ฎ๐ค๐ช ๐ข๐๐ ๐ ๐ข๐ ๐๐๐๐ก ๐ก๐๐ ๐ ๐ฉ๐๐๐จ, ๐๐๐ง๐ง๐ฎ?"
Damn Lark! What a way to start a book. It felt like I went from zero to wanting to bawl my eyes out within moments. And from there I gobbled up every page as fast as I could in between having a day job and taking care of my little demons aka kids. Ferry broke my freaking heart. I don't think a man more loyal to his mate has ever been written. What he went through to get to his HEA with Leo was more than most could ever bear.
I really enjoyed Leo. It was fun seeing him be insanely jealous while simultaneously trying to convince himself he wasn't feeling some kind of way about Ferry. He fought his feelings for a while, but there is only so long one can fight against what their soul is telling them. That Ferry was his. He couldn't explain why, Leo just knew it was true. And once he gave in, it was no holds barred. He decided he wanted Ferry, and that was that. It was refreshing not having to deal with him worrying about things like PDA. And in the bedroom? Let's just say these two couldn't make it very long without returning to the sheets.
It was great seeing all the past MCs from the Reckless Damned series. And I'm pumped to say that we get to see more of the vampire Sebastian. Something about his uppity surly nature and how everyone hates him just made me love him from the start. And now that I know his book is next? And I have a pretty good idea who his love interest is? Let's just say I may be sliding into Lark's DMs begging her to finish their book ASAP. Foaming at the mouth doesn't even cover it and the preorder date for February 2024 is going to be an eternity. Thankfully, we have Green Light: MM Friends to Lovers Rockstar Romance coming out in October to hold us fans over until then!
Rating: 5 Stars
Angel's Review:
I've been wanting Ferry's story for a long time, but not as long as Ferry has been waiting to be with Leo.
Lark is know for tearing apart her readers emotions through her books/characters, and while this one didn't make me cry, this one was the most gut wrenching of them all. Ferry once had his mate in his life, but then a battle occurred and tore his love away from him. A deal was made that let his mate live and let him be reincarnated, but Ferry was banished to be the Ferryman. He's waited centuries to be with his mate, and now that Ferry is free, there is nothing that'll get in his way, even if his mate doesn't remember him.
Firstly, I want to point out that you could technically read this as a standalone, but I wouldn't recommend doing that. You will miss so much backstory and plot if you don't go read The Reckless Damned series first. So, please do yourself a favor and do that!
One thing you won't have to worry about with Lark is her writing. The way she writes and how she creates not only her characters but the worlds she crafts is astonishing. I am always so excited to read a book written by Lark cause I know she'll take me on a journey. Albeit, sometimes a painful one, but a journey nonetheless! Leo's character was such a perfect fit for Ferry. Even though Leo didn't understand why he felt a pull towards Ferry, he didn't let that stop him from getting closer to the man. Even though Leo had a hard time accepting his attraction towards a man, he never took that out on Ferry. And while Lark drew out them getting together, she did it so well!
I want to be mad at Lark for the.. events.. that happen throughout the course of their reconnection, but I can't be mad at her. They fit the story! And unfortunately, I think they were necessary as much as it pains me to say. They added the action and a deeper plot that we all know Lark is known for. Lark isn't known for fluff, she's known for angst, grit, and for putting your emotions through a blender. But! She's also known for writing not just impeccable characters, but also an impeccable world that excites the people who read her books.
I really enjoyed getting to see all the guys from the previous series making appearances in this book. That made me so happy that they played such a big role in this book. Something else I loved was the book club aspect of this.. you'll know what I'm referencing once you read this!
I really hope we get Danny's story, along with Matty, and Toby, and Blaise's story. I need to know what happened between them! I'm so excited about Sebastian's story. I can't wait!
Rating: 5 Stars
Patience is available to buy as an ebook or to read with Kindle Unlimited subscription.
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