And the hot mess of men continues in Not Dating Material, book 2 in the Accidental Love series by Saxon James
From the blurb:
Moving to Seattle is supposed to be all about getting a fresh start and leaving the bitter man I was becoming behind.
I have new roommates–quirky, sometimes strange, roommates–a nosy, next door neighbor and a grumpy kitty for company, but even surrounded by people, I still don’t feel like I belong. Plus, it turns out the men in Seattle are exactly the same as the ones I left behind, and my string of romantic disconnections continues.
It’s not until one of my roommates, Seven, hits me with some hard truths that I realize where I was going wrong.
Maybe the men aren’t the problem.
I am.
And there’s only one way to fix that.
Being found tied up naked to my bed by my cute new roommate isn’t an ideal way for us to start a friendship.
But apparently a quid-pro-quo is.
He keeps his pretty lips zipped about the compromising position, and I step in as his dating coach. We go out, I note where he’s going wrong, and he magically becomes dating material.
The problem is, between my codependent brother Xander and a new best friend I can’t get rid of, Molly and I are the target of a matchmaking scheme. My life is way too busy to add another person to it, and Molly is the kinda guy who needs to be made a priority, which I just can’t do. Xander’s medical anxiety takes up too much of my time, and I’ve never found a partner who doesn’t resent it.
I’m determined to help Molly find his ever after.
But that guy will never be me.
Jacqueleen the Reading Queen's Review:
"He's an erotic artwork for my eyes only, and I never thought a moment could be made for me and me alone until this moment right here."
Seven and Molly. A pairing I absolutely did not see coming. But strange Saxon magic somehow made it work. Now these two aren't hot messes in the same vein as Christian was in book 1. No. Seven's life is hindered by his childhood trauma and unhealthy codependent relationship with his best friend Xander. Molly's baggage to claim is his neediness and ability to jump the gun in just about any relationship. They sound like a disaster waiting to happen, yet these two ended up being exactly what the other needed in the end.
I loved how accepting Molly was of Seven and Xander's co-dependence. I'll admit it would be a hard pill to swallow for me if I was dating someone who had such an intimate bond with another. But Molly understood. He even liked the fact that he got to claim Xander as well. It also helped that Xander was their biggest cheerleader in their unconventional courting. Falling in love with the man who is taking you on fake dates to give you dating tips isn't the usual path to finding your true love. Molly has made the mistake of reading into things far too many times before.
Seven was the biggest obstacle to their relationship. He treated Molly as if they were a couple, yet continually reminded him that they were not. I felt bad for Molly at some points, but when I realized it stemmed from Seven's low self esteem I gave him some leeway. It may have taken Seven longer than most to realize what was right in front of him if only he was brave enough to take it, but he got there eventually.
Rating: 4.5 Stars
Angel's Review:
I have not read the first book in this series, but after reading this book I might just have to do that. When I read the blurb I had a feeling I would like it, I didn't know how much I would end up loving these quirky characters. Molly is.. a lot, in a good way! He gets excited and eager, he wants to talk to the people he cares about and likes. A lot of people just want him for nothing more than a one night stand, and he doesn't understand why they never want more.
When Seven, (one of his roommates) offers to give him dating advice he takes him up on his offer. And while Molly does learn a lot, he can't change who he is at his core. Even though Seven fights him every step of the way these two characters grew their friendship from being platonic into something romantic. They both figured out how to help each other in different ways, and support each other as they are.
I hate what that person did to Seven in the start of this book, that's despicable. I wish that didn't happen to people, but unfortunately it does. I also wish him and Xander didn't have to experience all of the trauma they went through growing up. I love the bond those two men share, a lot of people misconstrue their closeness as romantic, but it's not. Their bond is purely brotherly love, and it's so beautiful. They support each other and while they have odd ways of showing it, they do truly love one another.
The buildup of Seven and Molly's relationship was done masterfully! We got depth, and emotion, and feelings! We got it all! The world building was fantastic and I adored each and every character who lived in their building. They were all quirky and somehow it all worked! I really enjoyed how even though this book dealt with serious topics and subjects, there was still humor and lightness involved.
I am so eager for the next book in this series, and I truly hope that sweet Xander will find his special someone.
Rating: 5 Stars
Sheena's Review:
Not Dating Material is the second in a series, with a group of housemates in Seattle. I read the first book and really enjoyed it, and I was looking forward to Molly and Seven's story - I wasn't disappointed. I loved Molly and Seven's story, and the whole crew of supporting characters in Big Boned Bertha too. Molly is a dating disaster, almost comically so, and Seven offers to be a dating coach - because we all know how well that usually works out 😂. Molly is exactly Seven's type though, and he's a big gentle giant with an even bigger heart, and that turns out to be Molly's type too. Seven does have some issues though, not only a co-dependent relationship with his best friend, but also abandonment issues from his childhood which holds him back.
It was so sweet to see Molly and Seven's relationship develop, and see them getting closer slowly. I loved every minute of this story, it's sweet, charming and hot in places too. These two are just perfect together and I loved their story.
Rating: 4.5 Stars
Heather's Review:
So much angst! So much sweetness! So much past hurt! I absolutely love Molly and Seven's story and how they interact with their housemates and friends, particularly Zander and all his issues. I love that this was a hard won relationship, with both men having to put themselves out there and be vulnerable. This one unpacks a lot of neglect trauma and also proves there is the right person for everyone out there!
I truly look forward to the rest of the series, particularly Zander and Rush's stories!
Rating: 5 Stars
Not Dating Material is available to buy as an ebook, paperback, hardback, or to read with Kindle Unlimited subscription.
Accidental Love #2
by Saxon James
Release Blitz
Release Date: August 30, 2023
Cover Design: Story Styling Cover Designs
Photo: Michelle Lancaster
Model: Chase
Genre: M/M Romance
Trope: Roommates to lovers, found family
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About the Author
Saxon James unapologetically writes happy endings for LGBT+ characters.
While not writing, SM is a readaholic and Netflix addict who regularly lives on a sustainable diet of chocolate and coffee.
Member of SCBWI.
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