#TeaserTuesday - Vodka and Virtue (Love and Libations #2) by Raquel Riley [NSFW]


Today's #TeaserTuesday gives us a first look at book two of Raquel Riley's Love and Libations series, Vodka and Virtue. This book releases Thursday, April 13, 2023 and is currently available for pre-order over on Amazon!

From the Blurb:

When a virtuous buttoned-up bar manager is seduced by a tough-as-nails bouncer almost twice his age, can they find a way to overcome their differences?

Rory MacGregor

During the years I spent overseas, my best friend’s nephew grew up. Now that I’m home, my priorities have shifted, moving Carlisle Carrick to the top of my ’to-do’ list. He is exactly the type of man I dreamed of settling down with, but every time I get close to him, he runs away.

How can I convince him we’d make a perfect match?

Carlisle Carrick

Rory is seventeen years older than me, wears leather, and rides a motorcycle for kicks. I don't see how we have anything in common. The hunger and determination in his eyes when he stares at me is . . . unnerving! Avoiding him is hopeless - those eyes are everywhere - and I want to give in, I really do, but choosing him as the first man I've ever dated would be a disaster.

So why do I still burn up every time I catch him watching me?

Vodka And Virtue is the second book in the Love And Libations series. It features a seventeen year age gap, opposites attract, uncles’s best friend, steamy bisexual/gay romance with a male auction, beach dates, motorcycles, and a sweet HEA.


On my day off, I decided to try my hand at making one of Rory‘s favorite recipes, a middle eastern chicken curry. He made a list for me and I shopped for the ingredients. Rory wasn’t up to standing long enough to cook with me yet, so he sat and watched from the kitchen island, looking incredibly sexy in just his gray sweats. Every time he wore them, my eyes stayed glued to his dick print. He smiled so filthy every time he caught me staring. 

I wanted to look just as alluring to him, so I pretended I needed to pee but emerged from the bathroom naked. His eyes bugged out of his head as I strolled across the kitchen, bent over the bottom drawer, with my legs spread, of course, and grabbed an apron. I tied it around my waist, so it covered my junk, but my ass was on full display. 

”Carly baby,” he whispered. “You’re turning into a cock tease. The very thing I swore you would never be.” 

I shrugged casually, feigning innocence. “I have no idea what you mean. It’s hot in here and I just wanted to cook for you.” 

He rubbed his groin as I prepped the food. By the time I slid the chicken into the oven, he was blatantly stroking himself, his dick fully exposed. 

“Would you like a taste of my curry sauce?” 

“Would you like a taste of my cock?” he countered. 

“I’ll trade you.” 

I sauntered over to him, swaying my bare hips, and dipped the wooden spoon between his lips. 

“Mmm, delicious,” he praised. 

Laying the spoon on the counter, I dropped to my knees and slipped his cock in my mouth. I gave him two strokes of tongue and lips before pulling off. “Mmm, delicious,” I repeated. 

I went to stand, but he palmed my head, pushing me back down between his legs. 

“Finish me,” he rasped. 

“I have to stir the sauce,” I evaded, playing coy. 

“Fuck the sauce. Finish me.” The way he commanded me, that sexy-as-hell gravelly voice—finishing him off was the only thing I wanted to do. 

Ever. Over and over. 

Vodka and Virtue is currently available for pre-order and will be available on Kindle Unlimited on Thursday April 13, 2023. 
