Souls Whispering, Sanang #3 by Arian Williams

Third in the Sanag series, Souls Whispering is an MMM romance continuing the Sanang story and isn't a standalone.

From the blurb:

Brought together by destiny
Bound by fate and circumstances
Unrequited love
One fated love
And one who cannot love

Two are fated to be together
One belongs with a spirit

The darkness threatens
When the powerful creature stirs
Through eminent danger
Will love unite the three
Or would their lives unravel?

Two K-pop idols with elemental powers and a telepath
The spirits whisper when the three meet

Sanang is a K-pop group composed of five idols with elemental powers that fight against dark creatures. This is the third book in the Sanang series and the story of Jee, Jav and Bin, their love and their fight against the dark creatures that threaten everyone.

Sheena's Review:

Souls Whispering is the third in the Sanang series, and as there's an overall storyline, it really needs to be read as part of the series even though it involves a different love interest each book.

This was a little different from the previous books, in that this is an MMM story, which I don't read all that often, but usually enjoy when I do.  This is Bin, Jee and Jav's story and it really throws you right in at the start of it - which is why it really isn't meant as a standalone.  Bin was a large part at the end of the last book, revealing his spirit powers.  Jee and Jav are atarav - soulmates and really that relationship went from 0-60 in a millisecond.  I'm all for fated mates and I've enjoyed the last two books but this was just head-spinningly fast, I don't think Jee and Jav said more than two words to each other before.  I wasn't quite sure where Bin would fit in all this, he's kind of on the outside of the three, he's Jee's best friend and other half, and I did like that Jav accepted that without question.  

When I do read MMM, I like when it's a nice balance between the three, open communication and a good bond between them, but here it felt a little unbalanced.  It was Jav and Jee, or Jav and Bin and I still don't think Jav and Bin have actually spoken once through the book.  There's plenty of heat though, but again it's all Jee as the central figure there too.  

The story thread from the previous books moves along well though, it's always good to see the previous couples and it all seems to be coming together for the final battle, it all seems to be coming to a head.  This book did kind of just end though, without any real resolution for Bin, Jee and Jav.  I don't even know if they're okay or what the outcome of what happened was.  I'm looking forward to the next one though, I'm really invested in the story now.

Rating: 4 Stars

Souls Whispering is available to buy as an ebook or to read with Kindle Unlimited subscription.
