Cover Reveal and NSFW Excerpt: Blown Away (Caught Off Guard Book 4) by Willow Thomas

So excited to be able to share the cover and a spicy excerpt from Blown Away (Caught Off Guard Book 4) by Willow Thomas!  Releasing, February 22nd, you have just enough time to catch up on the first three books in the series before it drops!  Check the bottom of this post for links to the rest of the Caught Off Guard series once you've checked out this amazing cover and excerpt!


Benny's my best friend's younger brother and my total opposite. It's not like anything will happen between us. Right?

Benny is vivacious and fun, and I’m known on the team as the quiet and brooding one. When he asks me to watch his new dance routine, I immediately agree.

Sparks fly when Benny surprises me with a kiss, but will he still want me when he finds out what I like in bed?

Benny wants to keep our relationship a secret from his brother. I’ll do anything Benny asks, but how do I tell him that I’m falling in love with him?

Blown Away is the final sweet-and-spicy novella in the Caught Off Guard series. You can expect best friend's brother, hot pole dancing, and a lot of laughs.


“So, can I get a ride home?” he asks hopefully.

“Of course, that’s why I’m here.”

Benny smiles and walks to the passenger side, throwing his stuff into the backseat before getting into the front.

“How did you like my show?”

“I loved it like always.”

“Excellent.” Before I can say anything else, Benny’s leaning over and capturing my lips, pressing his tongue to the seam, demanding entry. Something that I willingly give him. It’s bruising and consuming, and I’m totally owned by him.

It takes me a second to realize his hand that’s not on my neck is slowly undoing my pants, working his way into my boxer briefs.

He pulls back, his eyes dark with lust, making my already hard cock throb.

“Can I suck you off?” he breathes out. All I can do is nod. He gives me a brief kiss before pulling my dick free.

“Chase, this dick deserves to be worshipped. Why is there not already a cult in its name?”

I can’t help the laugh that bursts free at this wonderfully ridiculous man.

Benny’s mouth is open in shock. “I think that’s the first time I’ve heard you laugh. I want to hear it more often.”

I don’t have a chance to respond before he bends his head and slowly licks me from root to tip, making me gasp.

“Benny, please. Please suck me.”

“I’ll get there. I think I might want to lick you a bit more first.” He sweeps his tongue over the head of my weeping cock, lapping at the precum pebbled there.

It’s torture. The best kind of torture.

He does it twice more before he swallows my dick whole. I run my hand through his hair, and he bobs up and down. I am so horny for him that I know this won’t take long. Sure enough, I feel that telltale tingle at the base of my spine.

“Fuck, Benny, fuck. I’m gonna come. Can I come in your mouth?”

He pulls off. “Yes, please. I need it. ”

“I’m gonna come in your mouth but don’t swallow,” I tell him. Benny raises an eyebrow questioningly but nods his agreement. My orgasm hits, and waves of pleasure roll over me as I fill his mouth with ropes of my cum.

I pull his head off my dick and lean into him. “Open your mouth.” 

He does as I ask, and I swear my dick starts to rally at the sight of my cum pooling in his mouth.

I capture his lips in a filthy kiss, both of us swallowing my cum and not coming up for air until it’s all gone.

“Want me to make you come?” I ask breathlessly.

His cheeks are tinged with a reddish hue. “Too late.” 

I look down and notice a wet spot on his sweats. His getting off from sucking me is fucking hot.

“You don’t have to look so smug about it,” he says, with an eye roll. 

I kiss his lips and hand him some napkins from the glove box.

“I feel smug,” I tell him as he cleans himself up. “Wanna hit a drive-through before I take you home?”

Blown Away (Caught Off Guard Book 4) by Willow Thomas releases February 22nd, and you have just enough time to catch up on the first three books in the series before it drops! 

Bolt from the Blue

Knocked for Six

Double Take
