Do you tend to stay with favorite authors and genres, or do you try to branch out?
I am trying out a new addition to the blog, answering a weekly prompt from The Coffee Addicted Writer about various book and review related topics... and this week we're talking about authors and genres...
I never say that I won't read a book, but since the pandemic started I have been almost exclusively reading M/M romance and I'm hooked (to the tune of over 1500 books read in the genre since March of 2020. I've always been a primarily romance reader, with some historical fiction and occasional best seller thrown in for good measure, but honestly I found my heart in Gay, Bisexual and other non-conforming couples and poly relationships. I really haven't analyzed it thoroughly, but as a CIS White Middle-class mom, it has filled the endless pandemic with some great steam and HEA's.
As for authors, I have several favourites, but as a book blogger I am always excited to find new authors or at least those who are new to me... that being said, when I created my MM blogging identity on Facebook to separate it from my personal profile, I realized how many authors I follow or have friended in the last year and how many groups and pages I've had to move over...
I took a sneak peek at next week's prompt which is do you read diverse genres... so I'll leave this here and get more into the different MM Romance and other MM genres I read then...
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