Batting Style (Frankin U 2) by Louisa Masters

The next installment to the Franklin University series is from Lousia Masters. BATTING STYLE is a low angst coming of age true to college age romance of two friends becoming something worth fighting for.

From the blurb:


There are a few things I know for sure: I’m gay, I want to do costume design for film and television, and a supportive family is what other people have. Oh… and fate’s not my biggest fan. That’s fine, though—who needs fate? I’ve got friends I love, a welcoming community, and a plan. Graduate college? Check. Build up my portfolio? Whenever I can. Impress industry pros? Done. Save the money for my dream internship? Working on it. All I’ve gotta do is stick with the plan, and that internship is mine next year.
And then Jordan Marks walks into my life, and my plan turns into a loose guideline. Suddenly I’m learning about baseball and giving away shifts at work so I can watch him play. My goals are the same, but maybe there’s room in them for the world’s sweetest athlete.

I’m pretty sure the gods of baseball don’t care if I wear a suit on game day, but Franklin U and Coach do, so when mine rips, replacing it is an urgent mission. That’s how I meet Blaise Warner and my “I guess I could be bi” musings become full-blown “I wanna learn to handle a bat” demands. Blaise is smart, talented, and has goals… and he’s more than happy to teach me a new batting style.
But as we go from casual to more, the things I never mentioned—like my dads’ connections in the entertainment industry—become heavy secrets. Plus, while our friends know we’re dating, nobody else does. That’s not fair to Blaise, but do I really want to be the latest queer college ball player?
I don’t get a chance to figure it all out before things fall apart, and now we both have to decide what our real priorities are.

Molly Otto's review:

This is what you call a real-life college age romance. You see, these two beautiful men fall in love and just go with the flow to see how it all plays out. Jordan is so beautifully supportive of Blaise where, yes, he may take it too far, but with who he was brought up by, that really isn't a surprise. Jordan just has that personality that captures you, and you just go along for the ride. Blaise has a great network of friends who openly invite Jordan in when they see how great he is. The network of friends and family these two build is one you could only hope that all people have to thrive in this world.

It's one of those stories that just feels like it could really happen, not just in a book. When they do have disagreements, it's handled in a way that fits with their age, so you get it even when maybe you want to strangle them a little. What a great addition to this season of the Franklin University series.

Rogue's Review:

- college
- shared universe
- bi-awakening

I loved this book, it's set in the Franklin U Universe, but can be read as a standalone. Jordan and Blaise are both such adorkably oblivious idiots and I am here for it all. I liked both guys, Blaise knows exactly what he wants and is determined, and talented enough, to make it happen. Jordan isn't quite there yet, he loves playing baseball but is set on a career in event management until pro ball comes calling.

I liked the instant connection between Blaise and Jordan, and that Jordan was questioning his sexuality before he even met Blaise. I liked the development of their friendship, and neither of them knowing that they were actually boyfriends was hilarious. There's very little angst in this story, there are one or two roadbumps on the way to their HEA but nothing they can't sort out by talking to each other. I loved Jordan's family, especially his two Dads and how they stepped up to help Blaise too, knowing he had no family left.

This was fun, flirty, low heat but with such a great connection between the two, it worked for them.

Jacqueleen the Reading Queen's review:

"'𝑰 π’•π’‰π’Šπ’π’Œ 𝑰 𝒉𝒂𝒗𝒆 𝒂 𝒔𝒆𝒄𝒓𝒆𝒕 π’ƒπ’π’šπ’‡π’“π’Šπ’†π’π’….' 𝑺𝒐 𝒔𝒆𝒄𝒓𝒆𝒕 𝒕𝒉𝒂𝒕 π’π’†π’Šπ’•π’‰π’†π’“ 𝒐𝒇 𝒖𝒔 𝒆𝒗𝒆𝒏 π’Œπ’π’†π’˜ 𝒂𝒃𝒐𝒖𝒕 π’Šπ’•."

Jordan was absolutely adorable. He had total golden retriever energy and I wanted to give him all the hugs! Blaise, while he still could hold his own in the banter department, struck me as much more serious. He had already graduated college and was in the midst of working on his long-term life goals. Falling in love with a college baseball player was definitely not on his bingo card that year.

I found it incredibly cute that neither of them realized they were dating and essentially had to have it pointed out by someone else. It led to them finally having a talk about the future and I feel like it helped them get a bit more settled in some aspects of their relationship. Unfortunately, there was still the looming fact that Blaise had big plans to take an internship in LA, while Jordan would still be finishing school at Franklin U. Not to mention the fact that Jordan plays division I baseball and his coming out would definitely make headline news. Something neither of these two private men wanted. Man do I long for the day when someone's sexual orientation isn't news, but just a normal accepted fact.

Jordan and Blaise's friend groups were a welcome addition to their story. It made me smile seeing the art kids mixing with the jocks and having a blast while doing it! That's what college is for. Stepping out of your comfort zone and the restrictive environment of high school. Finding out who you truly are. I think both Jordan and Blaise still had a bit of finding themselves left to do, but since they agreed to do that together I know those two will be just fine.

Batting Style is currently available as an audiobook, e-book, and can be read as part of your Kindle Unlimited Subscription
