The Househusband's Guide to Domestic Bliss by Lance Lansdale

In a world where you can create your ideal househusband, can there be love too? Arthur doesn't expect his unexpected gift, but Periwinkle is just the right person to help him learn to love again. And even though Periwinkle is young and naive, there is no doubt in his mind that Arthur is the man that can fill his heart with love.

The Househusband's Guide to Domestic Bliss will surprise you, amaze you, and tell you how not everything is always as it seems.

From the blurb:

At Ms. Broussard's Home for Bountiful Beaus, even the unlovable can find a love story for the ages. She offers custome-made automatons, fully trained in the art of keeping a home.

Arthur Price is not looking for love. The lonely librarian clings to his work and routine to keep himself functioning. When his brother, Jared, arrives in the middle of the night with an i-Series automaton meant to lift his spirits, he realizes his routine life is about to be upended. Cheerful to a fault, Periwinkle is not someone Arthur would normally choose to befriend, much less enter into a romantic entanglement with, but he somehow programs himself perfectly into his life.

Miraculously, Arthur finds himself growing almost fond of the robot. Periwinkle may not possess much experience outside cleaning, but he can’t help noticing the loneliness in his librarian’s eyes. If it means giving Arthur Price a fresh start, Periwinkle is more than happy to stitch together all of Arthur’s broken pieces. Whether Arthur likes it or not, Periwinkle's mechanical heart beats only for Arthur.

The Househusband's Guide to Domestic Blissis a cozy, dual POV, slow-burn romance about a lonely librarian and his made-to-order boyfriend.

SNik's review:

Futuristic. Arranged relationship. Close proximity. Found family. Hurt/comfort. Side representation. Slow burn. Dual POV. 

An innocent automaton wishing for love is gifted to man not interested in a relationship, but luckily the soon named Periwinkle builds a relationship with librarian Arthur that soon becomes a special connection. There were parts of this story that made me pause, there should perhaps be content warnings for abuse (not between main characters), and the premise behind a domesticated robot with feelings that does the owner's bidding seemed unappealing. 

However, Arthur and Periwinkle create a sweet relationship that allows for caring, respect, kindness and eventually love. Arthur and Periwinkle love each other for who they are and fight for each other against everything that stands in their way. This story was angst filled and at times made me cry with the emotionality that Periwinkle experienced as he grew to be his own person, making friends and learning to love. An unexpected and surprising read that I really enjoyed.

Angel's review:

This book blew me away! When I first started this book, I was uncertain on whether or not I was going to enjoy it, mainly because for the first few chapters our POV was that of i-739, a robot. I wasn't expecting that, it definitely gave off sci-fi vibes, which isn't a bad thing, it's just usually not my cuppa tea. However, I continued to read this story and I became ensnared my Periwinkle and Arthur's characters.

The concept of this book is really creative and unique, I've never came across another book with a concept or premise such as this one. Which is a really good thing, it makes this book stand out even more. I found the plot to be very tantalizing, we got to go on this journey with these characters, and we got to see i-739, evolve into Periwinkle. I found the way this book was written to be very engaging, I was eager to keep reading to see what else Periwinkle would discover. His love for Care bears is so adorable, and his childlike glee at discovering the world around him is so precious.

The way the ladies of the Auxiliary so effortlessly cared for and supported Periwinkle was so endearing and very heartwarming. The bond that occured between Honey and Periwinkle was so touching, I was happy for Periwinkle that he found his true family, and friends.

While there was a teensy bit of angst, this book mainly is full of beautiful love, it's full of friendships, and learning to love one another as they are. I highly recommend you to get yourself a copy of this book, curl up with a blanket, and dive in. You won't regret it.

Miki J's review:

I loved how the author was able to give us the 1950's stepford vibe in a possible (very possible) modern setting.... it's fascinating and just brilliant !! Peri is just adorable - perfect blend of innocence and world-wise with a touch of a sassy brat. Arthur is an introverted librarian who's still affected by his last relationship. 

This was a fascinating book - it truly shows love can come from anywhere and in any form !!! The humour is very witty - absolutely love love double entendres and there's aplenty here .... along with talking about feelings. It's heartfelt, poignant, emotional and honest - loved reading about their journey together. Truly an unexpected and entertaining novel !!!

The Househusband's Guide to Domestic Bliss is currently available as an e-book
