Forget and Forgive by L.A. Witt

What if you could forget your biggest heartache?  What would you do? Find out in Forget and Forgive.

From the blurb:

It’s been a year to the day since Matteo Segreto’s biggest mistake ruined the best thing he ever had, and nothing’s been the same. All he can do is try to move on, but his world is empty without the love of his life. Alone and consumed by regret, Matteo would do anything to undo the past.

Then his ex shows up, panicked and begging for his help… with no memory of their breakup.

Owen Carter just woke up to a world that’s all wrong. Everything in his condo is different. The streets outside have changed. Worst of all, his boyfriend clearly doesn’t live with him anymore.

To his horror, he discovers that a year has passed since he went to bed last night. His memory of that entire time is wiped clean, and only a receipt from a creepy fae shop offers any clue as to how or why.

While they work to recover Owen’s memory, the exes slam face first into the past that Matteo wishes he could forget. Despite the hurt and betrayal, they also can’t help but remember how much they once loved each other.

But if Owen gets his memory back and truly remembers the hell Matteo put him through, is there enough love or forgiveness to keep them together?

Forget and Forgive is a 50,000-word standalone amnesia romance with fantasy/paranormal elements.

Content warning: infidelity (off-screen and past, but major part of the story)

Heather's Review:

I don't tend to grab fantasy/PNR stories for review, but the premise of Forget and Forgive... amnesia to forget the heartache of a partner cheating was just too strong a lure... and honestly, the fantasy/PNR elements were minimal and easy to read in an otherwise contemporary romance story.  

I love the way Owen has to work to trust his own instincts and how both Owen and Matteo explore their past experiences and what has happened in the intervening year...

I love the flow of this story and the heartfelt emotions that both men feel during this process.  It was an interesting twist on a cheating story and one that I found truly fascinating.

Forget and Forgive is available in wide distribution in paperback and e-book formats.
