Holiday Pup-capade by Jaime Samms (Four Legged Cupid book 1)

A little holiday magic and a pooch on a mission give us the chance to meet Bryce and Jack on the cusp of their holiday Holiday Pup-capade

From the blurb:

It seemed like the perfect plan. Get out of town. Fast, and wait for the shrapnel of my blown-up life to settle.

I took a job in a small—and I do mean small—town up north as a pet groomer. There’s nothing to do, no place to go, so I should be able to stay out of trouble.

Except there’s this dog. No one seems to know where he belongs, and he thinks he belongs with me, so he follows me everywhere.

When his owner finally does show up, of course the man is an insufferable jerk. And incredibly gorgeous. And he needs a dog sitter.

Who am I to say no to a quick buck and a week of canine companionship? Besides, it’s too delicious to tease Jack with every update about how much his dog loves me. I wasn’t trying to make a life here. I had no intention of falling in love. I don’t think Jack was looking for romance either.

We both blame the dog for what happened next.

Heather's Review:

Holiday Pup-capade is a quick and easy read that draws us into Snowbud's world and introduces us to Bryce, a newly re-located pet groomer, and Jack, a workaholic who is struggling with guilt from the past (TW: If you want to see the trigger that might be a spoiler highlight the blue area death of close family members)

I love how in tune Bryce is with the pets, especially Snowbud and how he helps Jack open up and see the magic around him.

This story is sweet, heartwarming and has just a tiny paranormal twist... and is a great, quick holiday read.

Rating: 4 Stars

Holiday Pup-capade is currently available in paperback and e-book formats and can be read as part of your Kindle Unlimited subscription.
