Christmas in Heaven by E.L Ough & A.E Jensen

Christmas in Heaven is a debut author embarking on her writer journey with a co-write first release.

From the blurb:

You never know when you’re going to meet Mr. Right. It could be on your worst day, thirty-five thousand feet in the air.


With Christmas just around the corner, now might not be the best time to strike out on my own, but when my job offers me a paid internship in the US, how can I say no? Orphaned since the age of sixteen, being part of a family is all I dream of. To once again feel safe and cherished and for someone to understand my disability.

Does such a man even exist? And if so, am I too old at nineteen to believe in Christmas miracles?


My plans to spend Christmas in the UK fell through when I was called back home for my mother’s accident. From there, one disaster led to the next. It seemed the only thing that could turn my day around was the delightful young man seated next to me on the plane.

With a name like Heaven Leigh, he must have been sent from above.

Christmas in Heaven is a low-angst, age gap holiday meet-cute romance with grumpy/sunshine MCs, a dash of forced proximity and hurt/comfort, British banter, first times, and a fluffy golden retriever.

Angel's Review:

Emma's debut novel was, in my opinion, a success! I love books that are written with a MC from the UK, mainly because it helps me learn more about that country, and the way their language is different from the English language, it's interesting to me! 

I thought Heaven's character was so sweet and adorable! I really feel for him, especially because of him losing his parents, and not really knowing how to fill out forms and paperwork. I can relate to not knowing how to do those tasks. I thought it was really cool that Emma and Anja wrote about an MC who has a learning disability. My brother has Dysgraphia, so it was neat to see it written about in a story. 

Mason's character was a grump at the beginning, but Heaven eventually got him to warm up and become less grumpy. I enjoyed the Christmas sweater Mason was forced to wear. The description of that sweater was hilarious! I enjoyed how he truly listened to what Heaven was saying and was there for him when he needed it. 

I thought overall this book was a cute story. I wouldn't say this was an overly Christmas story. Considering there was only one scene where the characters decorated a tree together, and there was only a mention of them making Christmas cookies. Other than that though, a spicy story from a debut author! 

Rating: 4 Stars

Heather's Review:

You have to love when a plot bunny takes hold and we get a brand new author from it!  I truly enjoyed the way fate threw Heaven and Mason together and how Mason took up the reins to keep them together!  Heaven was such a sweet and positive character and Mason was a grump with a good reason, but it was nice to watch him thaw out...

While this story does have some holiday aspects, it can easily be read year round, since the relationship definitely goes beyond the holidays.  

This story was well laid out, thoughtfully plotted and I can't wait to see what comes next from E.L. Ough!

Rating: 5 Stars

Christmas in Heaven is available to buy as an ebook, paperback, or to read with Kindle Unlimited subscription.
