You Can Count On Me: MM Holiday Romance (Christmas Daddies Book 2) by Fae Quin

You Can Count On Me is a sweet as homemade pie holiday romance that will have your heart smiling by the time it ends. 

From the blurb:

They say you should love thy neighbor, but I don’t think they meant it the way I want to love mine.

Miles “Rooster” Johnson: As a young single-dad with a teaching job, I haven’t had much opportunity to date. My son is my entire world, and though I would love to have a partner and someone to count on, the passing years have shown that it’s just not in the cards for me. So when the gorgeous lumberjack of a man—the same man that I’ve had a massive crush on since the moment we became neighbors—
suddenly asks me out on a date, I’m completely blindsided. Trent could have anyone he wants. He’s charming, flirtatious, and outgoing—the exact opposite of my awkward, anxious self. I don’t know what he sees in me. All I know for sure is that I absolutely need to make this date go well.

Trent Montgomery: I know I have a playboy reputation in our small town, but there’s nothing wrong with playing the field. It’s worked for me so far, even if I have felt some discontent lately. My mama thinks I need to settle down and find someone nice. But she doesn’t understand that I’m just not ready. No matter how beautiful and tempting my neighbor Rooster is or how eager I am to get the silent mountain of a man to open up—no matter how adorable his little boy is, even when he’s threatening me at bat-point to take his daddy out on a date—I know I can’t be everything that they need. I agreed to ask Rooster out, but I think maybe I made a big mistake. All I know for sure is that I absolutely need to sabotage this date.

You Can Count On Me is a standalone slow burn Holiday MM romance with high heat, a HEA, and no cliffhangers. With a blossoming friends-to-lovers romance between a single father and his adorably flirty neighbor, together these two are warm, young, and tooth-achingly sweet. If you like funny stories with too many dad jokes, holiday magic, positive mental health rep, primal play, graphic steam, and the slowest, sweetest of all burns then read on!

Jacqueleen the Reading Queen's Review:

"𝒀𝒐𝒖 𝒅𝒐𝒏'𝒕 𝒈𝒐𝒕𝒕𝒂 𝒅𝒐 𝒕𝒉𝒊𝒔 𝒂𝒍𝒐𝒏𝒆. 𝑰'𝒎 𝒉𝒆𝒓𝒆. 𝑰'𝒎 𝒉𝒆𝒓𝒆, 𝒂𝒏𝒅 𝑰 𝒄𝒉𝒐𝒐𝒔𝒆 𝒚𝒐𝒖...𝑰 𝒄𝒉𝒐𝒐𝒔𝒆 𝒚𝒐𝒖."

OMG I loved this book so much! Trent and Miles were just so adorably sweet! Here are two large, muscular, "manly" men in appearance, yet inside they are just like the rest of us. Complete, anxious messes. Anxious messes who just want to be loved. To be needed. To feel like part of a unit, a family. But they're scared. They've each got their own hang ups and issues to work through, but one thing for certain is these two were head over heels for each other.

I adored Miles' son Bubba. He was very present in the story, almost like a 3rd MC. No I don't mean we get his POV, but we do get to know him very well through his interactions with both Miles and Trent. He's the reason they're together after all. His moments alone with Trent were so sweet. It warmed my heart watching Trent fall in love with Bubba right along with Miles.

"𝑻𝒉𝒆 𝒅𝒊𝒇𝒇𝒆𝒓𝒆𝒏𝒄𝒆 𝒃𝒆𝒕𝒘𝒆𝒆𝒏 𝒕𝒉𝒆 𝒈𝒐𝒐𝒅 𝒂𝒏𝒅 𝒕𝒉𝒆 𝒃𝒂𝒅 𝒑𝒂𝒓𝒆𝒏𝒕𝒔 𝒘𝒂𝒔 𝒘𝒉𝒆𝒕𝒉𝒆𝒓 𝒐𝒓 𝒏𝒐𝒕 𝒕𝒉𝒆𝒚 𝒕𝒓𝒊𝒆𝒅 𝒂𝒈𝒂𝒊𝒏 𝒘𝒉𝒆𝒏 𝒕𝒉𝒆𝒚 𝒇𝒂𝒊𝒍𝒆𝒅."

There was a lot of focus on parenting and family in this book. Like many parents I assume, the aforementioned quote was one that resonated with me. It's true there are no perfect parents, but the good ones are the ones who show up even after they make missteps. They keep trying, protecting, loving their kids. Never giving up on them. Trent stepped into a parental role in Bubba's life like he'd been there all along. It was a beautiful thing, just like this sweet (and spicy!) holiday romance.

PS. I can't wait for B & R!!!

Rating: 5 Stars

Molly Otto's Review:

Thank you, Fae, for writing a single dad romance that truly included the child! For me, if you can not include the child in all aspects of your life, it's not gonna work. Bubba was the perfect conduit in connecting Miles & Trent they needed him to move past both of their insecurities. 

Miles' anxiety was handled masterfully where yes, he has issues, but they can be worked through slowly, and with love and support of his support system, he's slowly building. 

Add to it the behind the doors times were fire, the dirty talk was seriously next level. Fae has just gotten to be a better writer with each book she has put out.

Rating: 5 Stars

Angel's Review:

I want to start by saying I read Let Your Heart Be Light and completely adored it! So, when I saw that Fae was releasing a second book in that series, I was so excited and eager for it!! And she did not disappoint!! 

I don't think I've ever related to a character more deeply profoundly than I did relating to Miles. Everything he said about how words just get jumbled in his head and how they just can't come out, resonated so deeply with me. His relationship he had with Bubba was so cute and adorable. He always tried to do his best with his son. To be the parent for his child the way he never had a parent. Miles describes himself as a mess, and broken, and while he may see himself that way, Trent makes him feel beautiful and cherished regardless of him being broken. Cause life gets messy, and it's rough, and as Miles said 'mistakes help you grow.' All of the horrible things Miles went through was truly awful, but he uses that as fuel to do better, to be better, to raise his son differently than how he was raised. With love, kindness, and compassion. 

Trent.. oh sweet, sweet, Trent. He.. let's just say is a bit unaware at times? It took him a while to discover that adults and parents make mistakes, that nobody is perfect. Even when he thought his dad was, he discovered his dad was human, just like him. The way his feelings for Miles came up and smacked him right upside the head was hilarious to read about, he never thought he could do relationships or kids.. when in reality that was just what he needed, what he really wanted but was to scared to admit. 

I adored all of the characters that played massive roles in this heartfelt story. Yes, I adored Miles and Trent, our MC's, but I also loved Bubba, Gram, Paxton, Ben, Miles' mom.. they all contributed such a wonderful component to this story, they weren't just there. Each and every character contributed something to the story, each one brought new discoveries within each of these characters. Not to mention how much love truly shone through every character.

The slow burn that occurred between Miles and Trent was done so painfully well! I really liked how they took things slow, focused on getting to know each other and learning how to be around one another before they dove into more. I liked how they prioritized learning about each other, how they got to know each other's quirks, and how Trent was so accepting and respectful when Miles didn't talk to him for a while. He understood Miles and listened to him anyway, without needing Miles to utter a word. 

The relationship that formed between Bubba and Trent was so heartwarmingly sweet, I loved watching their relationship grow and blossom into something much more than companionship. 

Overall, I think Fae did an exceptional job writing yet another fantastic holiday book full of swoon worthy characters that'll tug on your heartstrings. And you'll definitely miss getting to the end of this book. It'll be worth the journey though!

Rating: 5 Stars

Miki J's Review:

From the first chapter, I was truly captured by this story and could-NOT-put-it-DOWN!!!  

It's endearing and heartbreaking and funny and sweet and bittersweet and poignant... the layers you find when reading will tug on your heart, and then seeing how they cope... or not will bring tears.  

For me, it was an emotionally charged story that defines love perfectly, that is, love doesn't fix everything and it's not perfect, but this story really is!! 

 And yes, it does get spicy and don't get confused with the series title - it's not a Daddy/little book (though there is a slight D/s dynamic). 

I seriously can't wait for next in series... and we know who it'll be :)  

Side note - I would recommend reading in order as there are tidbits of characters going into the next book.

Rating: 5 Stars

You Can Count On Me is available to buy as an ebook, paperback, or to read with Kindle Unlimited subscription.
