Brewtiful's: A High Heat, Low Stakes MM Monster Romance Novella (Culinary Creatures Book 4) by L Eveland

I'm so sad that Brewtiful's is the last book in the Culinary Creatures series. 

From the blurb:

They say what happens in Vegas stays in Vegas…unless you accidentally marry a mothman.

My name’s Tripp Powers, former NHL star, notorious playboy, and aspiring coffee connoisseur. My plan? Open a chain of coffee shops to brighten everyone’s day. All of that was going according to plan until I woke up in bed with a man.

And not just any man, but Nicola Lightwing, a mothman!

It’s a mistake we’re both keen to undo as fast as possible until we realize we have a lot in common. Nicola is smart, suave, and almost as obsessed with coffee as I am. With his help, I might even be able to make my coffee shop dreams into reality.

There’s only one problem. Until today, I was sure I was straight. Yet I can’t help but want to drink Nicola up, especially when he’s promised he’s good to the last drop.

Can I resist his bold advances? Or is a lifelong romance brewing?

Angel's Review:

I have really enjoyed reading all of the books that have been a part of this good filled series, and Brewtiful's was just as good! I'm a big foodie. I grew up helping my family in the kitchen, and ever since then it's become a huge part of who I am. Now I particularly enjoy baking more so than cooking, but I do like both. While I do not favor coffee, it was really interesting to learn about the different processes of coffee, and how there's so many different ways to make it. I learned quite a lot about coffee while reading this book, which I enjoy quite a lot. I love learning things in books! 

Nicola and Tripp make such a unique couple! After they both wake up hungover and realize they ended up marrying each other while under the influence, their first thoughts are to null the marriage. However, upon spending time with one another, they realize that they enjoy being with one another. Discovering what each other like, what they want to achieve, and, of course, how to make a proper cup of coffee. 

I really enjoyed this story. Both men are so different but work very well together! I liked how even though Tripp was experiencing a bi awakening of sorts; he didn't take it out on Nicola, nor did he deny what they both wanted, and what they both enjoy. Nicola's character was quite intriguing to me. I haven't read many stories with a moth man in them, and I quite enjoyed L Eveland's take on that creature. The writing was great! There were really great descriptions of everything, the background was described nicely; the characters were great, and I think the romance aspect of this story was done incredibly well!! I really enjoyed the appearances Adam and Inzo made. It was nice seeing them again. 

Overall, a very lovely way to bring this delicious series to a close. 

Rating: 4.5 Stars

Brewtiful's is available to buy as an ebook or to read with Kindle Unlimited subscription.
