#NSFWednesday: Tequila and Tattoos (Love and Libations #4) by Raquel Riley


Today's #NSFWednesday features a steamy excerpt from the final book in Raquel Riley's Love and Libations series: Tequila and Tattoos

From the Blurb:

There’s an old Latin phrase - omne trium perfectum – meaning everything that comes in threes is perfect.

We all have choices to make and consequences to suffer. Two decades ago, I chose Shannon. But Shannon didn’t choose me. He chose my family instead. And when he broke my heart, my consequence was an addiction to food. I spent years overcoming my struggles, all while my anger and hurt multiplied. I swore to myself I would never make the same mistake twice, until I met Aries. I fell hard for my best friend. Unfortunately, so had Shannon. 

Were the mistakes of my past doomed to repeat themselves?

I chose to have a family, over the love of one man. Their warmth and acceptance were commodities I yearned for my entire life. But nothing comes without cost, and the price I paid to become a Carrick was too high. I lost my best friend, the only man I’d ever loved, and was convinced I’d never have it again. Until Aries. 

I vowed never to hurt Gordy again. How was I going to find the strength to walk away from love a second time?

My bromance with Gordy had quickly bloomed into a full-fledged romance, while my crush on Shannon had ignited from a spark into a raging inferno. I was in love with two men at the same time. Two men who hated each other. Did I mention they were also cousins? Choosing one was impossible. My only option was to make them see how good the three of us could be together.

Are love and hate really two sides of the same coin?

Tequila And Tattoos is the fourth and final book in the Love And Libations series. This MMM romance features feuding cousins, a piercing fetish, issues with an eating disorder and body dysmorphia, and three guys who couldn’t be more opposite; a hippie tattoo artist, a flirty bar owner, and a grumpy chef.


After that, everything became a blur of heat and pleasure.

Shannon’s mouth and hands were everywhere. Branding me. Worshiping me. Suckling at my nipples, nipping the thin skin of my neck, biting my shoulder. Tracing the maze inked into my collarbone with his tongue. Wherever his mouth made contact with my skin, I felt it all throughout my body. 

“Your husband wants to watch me fuck you,” Shannon rasped in a voice made entirely of sin.

And then Aries joined us. Maybe Shannon motioned for him, but I didn’t know, I couldn’t see with my eyes closed. When his lips touched mine, I was lost. Undone. Being loved by two men, spinning me into a frenzy. I was in a tailspin, falling, falling away as my body took over, giving into its natural response. Where they touched me, I burned. When they kissed me, I moaned. I felt like nothing but a mindless beast, high on lust. Shannon’s cold fingers touched my hole, and I knew he was prepping me.
“Not too much lube. I want to feel you from the inside.” I barely recognized my own voice, so broken and deep.

“You’re gonna fucking feel me, I promise,” Shannon vowed darkly.

He pushed inside my body without much prep or lube, a tight fit with plenty of friction. The metal ring pierced through his cockhead rubbed at my walls, making my legs shake. I knew firsthand how good it felt to have that ring pushing against my sensitive, swollen cockhead as I moved in and out of Aries’s tight body. It heightened my pleasure tenfold, as it now was Shannon’s.

“Fuck me hard,” I grunted, digging my fingers into his back.

Again and again, he thrust into my body, a relentless invasion as he pounded my gland. Aries kissed me, crooned in my ear, and teased my nipples. 

“Harder, Shannon,” Aries urged. “He’s ready to blow.”

With my body bent nearly in half, my knees banging into my chin with the force of his thrusts, I’d never been fucked so brutally. Shannon was like an animal, obsessed with getting deeper inside of me, and yet, with Aries’s love washing over me, giving me a soft place to land, I felt beautiful. It felt like we were making love.

Someone’s hand began to stroke my cock, and I couldn’t hold back any longer. I came in a hot rush, completely soaking my stomach, a rope arcing over my chest and chin.

Aries’s tongue snaked out to lick me clean, like a hungry kitten, lapping up my milk.

“I’m gonna fill you up.” Shannon’s breathing was ragged as he fucked into me. Sweat dotted his brow, and he grunted loud as he came. I felt the warmth of his cum filling me, and I wished we had a plug with us so that I could keep it inside of me all night. My husband’s seed. It belonged to me, was mine, just as he was. 

“I’m gonna come again,” Aries panted, rising to his knees. 

He jacked his cock furiously and then came in a hot rush over my face. When I felt the first rope hit my lips, I parted them and held my tongue out to catch as much of it as I could. He leaned down to kiss me, smearing what was on my lips between us. Shannon lowered his weight onto my body and joined us, sliding his tongue into the fray. I wasn’t sure whose tongue was in my mouth, and I didn’t care. I wanted them both.

“Love you,” I whispered fiercely.

“Love you,” Shannon hissed.

“Love you both,” Aries sighed.

Tequila and TattoosTequila and Tattoos is available on Amazon and Kindle Unlimited.
