Endeavor (Voyagers Book Four) by Ava Olsen

Endeavor brings together three men who have been dancing around each other throughout the series in a way that only happens on Now, Voyager....

From the blurb:

Jared: Challenging the status quo in Hollywood doesn’t make me the most popular director in showbiz lately. Suing a former studio exec for almost ruining my life twelve years ago, even less so. But I’ve worked hard to get where I am, I’m not staying silent anymore. While filming my latest movie in
Thailand, I get word that my legal case is moved up and in addition, there’s another threat to my life. But I’m not backing down. And I have all the support I need from the two men who’ve occupied all my thoughts lately - my sarcastic lawyer, Aiden Barstock, and my faithful bodyguard, Alex Sheffield.

Did I mention that I’m falling for both men? Yeah, my life is complicated. But I know in my heart that Aiden and Alex are meant to be mine. Now all I have to do is convince them that three is not a crowd, it’s the perfect number.

Aiden: My work as a barrister is my sole passion. And my personal life? I keep it casual. I don’t believe in love. I thought I was in love once, but it turned out I was a fool. Fool me once and never again.

Until a work trip to Thailand to prep my client, Jared Elwood, changes everything. Suddenly I’m alone with Jared, and his bodyguard, Alex Sheffield. Two men who become so much more than friends when circumstances bring us together. They see beyond my snark to the vulnerabilities I keep hidden. And now I risk being a fool again. Not over one man, but two.

Alex: I was trained by the British military for a life of service but after the death of my closest mate, I entered private protection. Being Jared Elwood's bodyguard is no easy matter. Crazed fans, angry stalkers - you name it, Jared attracts it. He brings out all my protective instincts and there’s nothing I wouldn’t do for him, including laying down my own life. But Jared’s latest film is interrupted by a threat that’s far too real and likely connected to the lawsuit he’s filed. Now his brash barrister, Aiden Barstock, is along for the ride, and suddenly things get intense. It’s not just Jared I would die to protect, it’s Aiden too.

One endeavor binds all three of us together. For now, or forever?

Endeavor is a friends to lovers, boss-employee, MMM romance filled with snarky banter, wild shenanigans, and an HEA to make even the most cynical heart swoon. This is Book Four of the Voyagers’ series: one superyacht, four love stories that span the globe.

Sheena's Review:

This is the 4th in the Voyagers series, it can be read as a standalone but I would recommend reading the others in the series first, not only because it does tie in and characters from the other books appear, but because there's an overarching storyline connecting the books and they're really good too 😉.

This is an MMM story, and usually I'm picky with my MMM stories, but I was confident going in that this would be good, and it was. Jared, Alex and Aiden just work together so well. This is so well written that I can't imagine one of them without the other two now. This is such a well-balanced trio, they each bring something different to the relationship and together, they just fit. To the extent that I felt it a little unbalanced when it was only 2 of the 3. There's such chemistry between these three, you feel it right from the start. Add to all this heat and tension, the underlying story of Jared's case which has been mentioned from the first book, and a stalker storyline connected to that, and you have a story that moves swiftly along and draws you in.

It's a little angst, a little past trauma from all 3, some current day drama and a lot of sunshine and heat and you have a great MMM read. I thoroughly enjoyed this and would recommend the whole series.

Rating: 4.25 Stars

Heather's Review:

Endeavor brings together three men who have been dancing around each other throughout the series in a way that only happens on Now, Voyager....  Jared, Alex and Aiden finally get to a place where their desires overwhelm their reservations and the chemistry is magical.  There is a secondary storyline with some intrigue and past revelations that ties the story together and gives the men a specific reason for staying close to each other.  

Well written and with a storyline that moves well between the romance and the secondary storyline, this book combines steam, drama and just a bit of angst to write a compelling HEA for the producer, his body guard and his lawyer who also fall just as hard for each other...

Rating: 5 Stars

Miki J's Review:

We caught glimpses of their attraction in previous books.... and now we see it all come to fruition... but it does take a bit (of course!). Yes, this story is hot'n'steamy... but what I loved the best was to see that chemistry develop into a beautiful relationship! All three of them have emotional baggage from the past that still affects them down the track... they couldn't get through it by themselves, but when they have the support from loved ones, they are able to fight through the personal demons. 

So yes, it's romantic, funny (love the cameo's from the other characters!), angsty, possessive... and quite simply, beautiful. 

(PS - when are they going to change it to "Love Boat"??? hehehehe)

Rating: 5 Stars

Endeavor is available to buy as an ebook, paperback, or to read with Kindle Unlimited subscription.
