Hired as a busy hockey player's personal assistant, Charlie is really not supposed to crush on his boss. But Blair is just as attracted to Charlie, and even though you really shouldn't date your boss, and neither man has time for a relationship, they can't deny there could be something meaningful between them. Game Changer is a swoony romance for two men struggling with their responsibilities but not wanting to pass on their chance at love.

Book Title: Game Changer
Author and Publisher: Amy Aislin
Cover Artist: Cate Ashwood Designs
Release Date: July 18, 2023
Genre: Contemporary m/m sports romance
Tropes: Boss/employee, hockey
Heat Rating: 3 flames
Length: 70 500 words/290 pages
Game Changer is book two in the Vancouver Orcas trilogy but stands on its own.
It does not end on a cliffhanger.
Buy Links
Audiobook also available on Audible, Amazon, and Apple

The man on his porch turned and . . . oh. Okay. Charlie being Coach Shore’s cousin, Blair had expected him to look like Coach: big, burly, and bearded. But Charlie was short, slim, and clean-shaven. He wore a wool coat in a colour that was somewhere between ivory and tan, a dark green scarf, and a matching toque with a grey pompom. Dark blond hair peaked out the bottom of the hat.
He looked like an ethereal fairy from another realm.
Of course he was exactly Blair’s type, all cute and rosy-cheeked and elfin.
Blair let out a rueful laugh under his breath. As if he had time for dating with everything else going on in his life. Jen and Jerry would be married before Blair found a minute of free time.
“Charlie?” he asked again, holding out a hand as he crested the porch’s top step. “I’m so sorry I’m late.”
“No biggie.” Charlie’s smile was wide and genuine despite Blair’s tardiness, and it triggered something loose in Blair’s brain.
Hand still in Charlie’s, he said, “Have we met before? You look familiar.”
“No,” Charlie said with a conviction that had Blair questioning himself. “But we’ve probably been to several of the same functions, most recently the pre-season barbecue at Coach Epps’ place. I work for the organization.”
“No kidding. Doing what?”
“I’m the baker for our NHL team. I make pastries for team breakfast, breads for sandwiches for lunch, and whatever else the head chef might need. Dinner rolls, desserts, that sort of thing.”
Now Blair recognized him. There were only a few times a year when the entire organization got together: the pre-season barbecue, the holiday party, and the end-of-season barbecue. But when you put the entire AHL and NHL teams in a room, along with coaches, management, and office and support staff as well as significant others and children, it made for close to two hundred people. And with Blair missing half of those due to other commitments in the ten years he’d been with the Orcas, it was no wonder he hadn’t officially met Charlie. Plus, not being a social creature meant that introducing himself to a crowd of strangers one by one was basically his version of a living nightmare.
He did remember once seeing Charlie from across the yard at one of the barbecues and wondering who the cutie with the smile that radiated warmth was. By the time Blair had set his plate down and turned back to make his way toward the man, Charlie had vanished.
And now here he was, on Blair’s doorstep.
What was he doing here if he already had a job, though? “Are you . . . seeking a new career direction?”
“No,” Charlie said with a quiet laugh. “Just a second job.” He cocked his head, and he might’ve looked guileless if there hadn’t been a hint of humour in his brown eyes. “Can I have my hand back?”
“Right.” Blair snatched his hand away, embarrassment tingling across the back of his neck. “Sorry. Uh. Come on in.”
About the Author
Amy’s lived with her head in the clouds since she first picked up a book as a child, and being fluent in two languages means she’s read a lot of books! She first picked up a pen on a rainy day in fourth grade when her class had to stay inside for recess. Tales of treasure hunts with her classmates eventually morphed into love stories between men, and she’s been writing ever since. She writes evenings and weekends—or whenever she isn’t at her full-time day job saving the planet at Canada’s largest environmental non-profit.
An unapologetic introvert, Amy reads too much and socializes too little, with no regrets. She loves connecting with readers. Join her Facebook Group to stay up-to-date on upcoming releases and for access to early teasers, find her on Instagram, or sign up for her infrequent newsletter.
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