Two Weeks in Paradise by A.D. Ellis

Two Weeks in Paradise
was a great way to kick off my Summer Reading... with so many things I love - forced proximity, second chance romance, bisexual exploration and breeding kink... 

From the blurb:

Ben Stephens adores his daughter, loves making furniture, and is slowly but surely healing from a traumatic past. He’s even almost positive he’s okay with his only child getting married. The tropical destination wedding is outside of his comfort zone, but he can deal with it. After all, it’s for his baby girl, and it’s only two weeks.

Reggie Ward is proud of his son, knows working in theater is his calling, and has learned to cope with his anxiety-fueled ups and downs. Leaving his job and routine for his son’s wedding may send him into a downward spiral. The fact Ben, Mr. Dull and Uncultured himself, will also be on the trip has Reggie spiraling faster. But two weeks in paradise can’t be that bad, right?

Ben and Reggie get off on the wrong foot, but quickly realize they aren’t quite the nemeses they once thought they were. The gut-deep connection and fiery desire that sparks between the two men isn’t something either of them can ignore.

They spend their days adventuring through paradise and their nights exploring steamy kinks. How will Ben and Reggie deal with their island vacation coming to an end? Can either man face their prior lonely existence after they’ve had a taste of what life could be like?

Two Weeks in Paradise is an opposites-attract, forced proximity M/M romance between two widowers nearing fifty. This low-angst love story is perfect for fans of kinky steam mixed with sweet fluff.

Content Warning- this story has mentions of past terminal illness, death of a spouse, domestic abuse, and manipulation by religion. While the kink is on the lighter side, it does include- dirty talk, breeding, light nipple kink, light exhibitionist kink.

Heather's Review: 

It's been a while since I've read a book with such a well written breeding kink... and I didn't realize how much I needed that in my life!  While Ben and Reggie aren't ever really enemies, they've never tried to be friends either and when an error has them sharing not only a luxury hit in paradise, but a bed, they begin to actually pay attention to each other...

Both men come with baggage from their past - heck, they're almost 50 so it's inevitable... but A.D. Ellis balances their angst and their fears with steamy sexual exploration and communication and it's a wonderful story!  

If you're looking for a mildly kinky, super steamy fluffy read which helps two mature men come to terms with their pasts and look forward to a brighter future, you're definitely going to want to add Two Weeks in Paradise to your summer reading list!

Rating: 5 Stars

Angel's Review:

In just two short weeks your life can change shape and bend and move into different forms you didn't realize was possible. That is exactly what this book depicts. Ben and Reggie have always had animosity towards each other for no reason, they both have their own opinions of each other even though they've never really talked. Until they both get shoved together and are forced to face each other, and to not only talk with one another, but to also voice their past, their trauma, their fears.. and through that communication these two men are able to build something truly special. 

I really liked how Reggie said that he believes each person could have more than one soulmate, that you never know how long you'll have, so love that person as much as you can for however long you get. I think that's such a beautiful message and I definitely try to live by that.. even though I don't have a significant other. However I think it could be applied to familial bonds as well as your friendships.. 

Ben's character broke my heart, he went through so much abuse due to his wife and he's still dealing with the aftermath of that horrendous woman. He wasn't just dealing with the trauma that his wife caused, but he was also dealing with all of the trauma that his parents had caused him. I enjoyed that there were really heavy topics and serious subject matter being discussed, but it was handled really well. It was also almost.. refreshing? To see how the author made it a point to let people know that man can be abused too, not just women. I think a lot people go get that it's a two way street. 

The reason why I didn't rate this higher is mainly cause I wasn't prepared for the daddy/boy scene, it's not a topic that I love to read so it threw me for a loop. Not to say it was poorly written or anything! It just shocked me. 

Overall though, a great and quick read to enjoy during the summer. It'll make you wish for your own tropical destination. 

Rating: 4 Stars

Two Weeks in Paradise is available in paperback and e-book formats and can be read as part of your kindle unlimited subscription.
