When a Man Loves an Alien, Tentacular Tales #3 by Chloe Archer - Review, Excerpt and Giveaway

When a Man Loves an Alien is just as fun and wacky as its predecessors! If you liked the first 2 in the series then book 3 will likely be another winner for you. 

From the blurb:

A grumpy-sexy alien and his (mostly) human mate are just trying to get married for goodness sake! But the road to matrimony is riddled with obstacles that could prove deadly…


Being engaged to my adorable alien boo is a dream come true. Too bad there’s a target painted on my back. Come on universe, quit messing with true love! For reals. Kai and I need to plan our wedding—which is going to be hella quirky and fun, because I say so.

Cue Shilgar the Deadly, who’s screwing up everything—what with trying to kill me and all. My life is becoming even more unbelievable than my fictional characters, Lord Vardox and Captain Starblade.

There’s no way I’m not walking down the aisle with Kai, so help me! I fully intend to ‘get me to the church’—I mean Vegas wedding chapel—on time. This fool of an assassin thinks he can mess with my dreams of wedded bliss? I don’t think so. He’s about to learn he’s met his match in River Sullivan!


My relationship with River is solid and wedding bells are in the air. Unfortunately, other parts of my life are… less stable. Between juggling a highly inconvenient Mating Fever that can strike at any time, and dealing with an investigator from Intergalactic Alliance Headquarters, I’m finding it hard to hold onto my usual equilibrium.

When Shilgar the Deadly finally shows up on Earth, gunning for River, the control I cling to is stretched razor thin. I’m desperate to do whatever I can to keep my mate safe—but I’m not sure if I can.

Yet things aren’t all that they seem. New secrets come to light and we’re all left reeling. Apparently, that famous Earthling playwright was correct when he wrote, “the course of true love never did run smooth…”

When a Man Loves an Alien (Tentacular Tales #3) is a (100k words) M/M sci-fi rom com and the third book in the series. It should be read in chronological order. This installment features an assassin who just won’t quit, little old ladies at slot machines who should NOT be messed with, a zipline action-hero moment, shocking secrets and revelations, a death-defying climax, and just maybe… a zany Vegas wedding? This book has an HFN ending and no cheating. Never fear—there is a guaranteed HEA by the end of the series!

Jacqueleen the Reading Queen's Review:

So freaking fun! And cute! I love this series. These books always put a smile on my face. River is just such a little spitfire. And serious Kai just gets all smoopy for him regardless of what crazy thing River is doing. All the side characters are just as likable. I mean, I am DYING for Mal and Benji's story. And Zamir and Wilder. And of course Evan and Zion. And you know what I'm now even dying for Aiden and the sweet pink guy whose name starts with O. (His name is way too hard for me to spell right from memory.) 

I hope this series continues for a long while because I'd seriously read it forever. It's like Prozac as a book. My mood is instantly lifted. And the tentacles are hot AF too ;)

Rating: 5 Stars

Angel's Review:

It has been proven over, and over again, that when you read Chloe Archer's alien series you are bound to have a smile on your face! I can't even tell you how many times I giggled while reading this book. 

How Chloe can manage to write such serious topics and death defying fight scenes, yet still have so much humor, I'm not sure how she does it. Honestly it surprised me every time! 

Now, this is the third installment in River and Kai's spectacular and intense romance whirlwind. And wow, was it intense!! I think Chloe was holding out on all these monumental scenes so we would all be on the edge of our seats for this book!! Each book in this series has been well written, and jam packed full of intense action fighting scenes, tons of references to a variety of sci Fi movies, and of course, River's silliness. Oh! And his matchmaking skills are on point in this book! His true mission is helping other aliens find their true love... At least, that's what it feels like.

There was so much more depth and detail in this book, and we got to learn and discover soo much information in this installment! Honestly, this book really hyped Me up for the conclusion of Kai and River's romance. I'm unsure of what's going to happen or how they are going to take down the evil mastermind that is planning to destroy earth but I'm so eager to find out! You must read this story for yourself!! And no, it's not a standalone, you must read what's come before in order to read this book. 

Rating: 5 Stars

Alyssagp's Review:

When a Man Loves an Alien by Chloe Archer was so fun! This book was so cute and endearing. I absolutely adore this book series. Chloe Archer’s series always puts a smile on my face. River is such a trouble stirrer I love his sarcasm and quirkiness. I also love how Kai is protective and supportive of River despite whatever absurd thing he is doing.

All the side characters are just as enjoyable. I need the characters Mal and Benji and Zamir and Wilder’s story. Evan and Zion’s story is a must too.

I am looking forward to the next book in this book series, but I will be sad when it ends. This book series is becoming my favorite. Whenever I read a book in this series I feel so much happier.

Rating: 5 Stars

When a Man Loves an Alien is available to buy as an ebook or to read with Kindle Unlimited subscription.

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Release Tour, Excerpt & Giveaway:
When a Man Loves an Alien
By Chloe Archer

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Nirblob comes sailing our way on his ever-present roller skates, his Vardox-inspired cloak billowing behind him and his arms full of brightly wrapped packages. He deposits them on the table with a flourish and sketches an exaggerated bow. “These presents are for you.”

My mouth drops open as I stare at the pile in confusion. “What do you mean? It’s not my birthday.”

Kai groans and I turn my attention to him. The look on his face makes me instantly suspicious.

I frown. “What aren’t you telling me?”

“Uh oh,” CJ squeaks.

Wide-eyed, Zion looks between the three of us.

I reach over and poke Kai in the rib, right in his ticklish spot. He immediately squirms in the booth and tries to lean his body away from me and my probing finger. “Uh…,” he says, his eyes studiously avoiding me.

I turn back to Nirblob. “What are these presents all about?”

Nirblob shrugs. “Adulation from your fans, of course.”

“My… fans?” I ask, trailing off in wonder.

If Nirblob had eyelids, I feel certain he’d be blinking them at me right now in obvious confusion. “Of course. These are just from those who came tonight and realized they could give you gifts directly in person. I required folks to check them with me at the door when they arrived, and I told them I’d deliver them to you after the reading. But many of our people have been sending their offerings through the Intergalactic Post to Alliance headquarters for weeks now.”

Kai is making a not so subtle shut-the-fuck-up motion to Nirblob, who’s blithely ignoring him. “Of course, there’s the fan letters and emails too. Haven’t you been keeping up with those?”

I slowly turn my head to stare at my fiancé. “What the actual fuck is going on? Have I been getting fan mail? And if so, why haven’t you told me about it?” I demand, my voice rising higher with each syllable.

Kai squirms and finally releases a sigh of defeat. “Ever since you joined the Alliance, we’ve been receiving, on your behalf, fan mail, parcels, letters, and email correspondence from extraterrestrials across the whole bloody universe.”

I frown, a twisty, unhappy feeling in my gut. “Why didn’t you tell me? You know I’d freaking love to read fan mail.”

Kai shoots me a pleading look. “I was going to tell you, I promise. The thing is, some of the items that are being sent, especially through the Intergalactic Post, are a little…questionable.”

I tilt my head, considering. “Questionable how?”

He cringes. “As in dubious sexual aid devices and skimpy lingerie, for a start.”

“Holy shitballs! You know you’ve hit the big time when people start sending you alien dildos.” I gasp. “OMG! Please tell me there are alien dildos.”

Kai gives me a stern look. “Such contraband paraphernalia is officially confiscated by the Alliance. It’s not something you could have kept anyway.”

Ah, nuts. I cross my arms and pout. “You’re no fun. We totally could have had a good time with an alien dildo.”

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Enter the Giveaway:

To celebrate the release of When A Man Loves An Alien, Chloe is giving away a US or UK Audio Code for Book 1, A $10 Amazon Gift Cards and a Signed Copy of the book of your choice from the Tentacular Tales Series so far!

Enter the Rafflecopter giveaway for your chance to win!

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Direct Link: https://bit.ly/TT3_Giveaway

Catch-up on the series:

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More from Book 1:
It's Not Unusual To Be Loved By An Alien


Tentacular Tales Series, Book 1

A sexy alien living incognito on Earth meets a sci-fi loving nerd who wants to rock his universe. What could possibly go wrong? Besides the unexpected tentacles and the accidental Mating Courtship Ritual, that is....


As a bona fide sci-fi nerd and total X-phile—the truth is out there—I’ve always believed in aliens. Duh. But I never thought I’d actually find them on Earth–let alone right here in Las Vegas! Now I’ve stumbled onto a big freakin’ secret and found my very own hot AF alien. I’m head over heels, but he’s being a total grump and holding back. How do I make him realize a geeky sunshine guy like me is just what he needs in his life? Did I mention he also has tentacles?!?! #HolyHentaiFantasyBatman #SwoonworthyAlien #SignMeUpSugar #MakeItSo #VivaLasVegas


The last thing I need in my life is a chatterbox twink who’s determined to woo me and could expose the secret existence of aliens on Earth to all humankind. Everything about him annoys me, including his stupidly attractive halo of golden curls and his bright green ‘come hither’ eyes. To make matters worse, he’s been recruited to work for the alien Alliance on Earth, and I’m assigned to keep him out of trouble. I don’t care how attractive he is. I don’t date humans! Except, my tentacles may have accidentally started the Mating Courtship Ritual with him…

It’s Not Unusual to be Loved by an Alien (Tentacular Tales #1) is an (102,000 words) M/M sci-fi rom com featuring an adorkable twink with unexpected secrets and a slight obsession with extraterrestrials, the reluctant alien he wants to make his boo, tentacles with a mind of their own, zany extraterrestrial shenanigans in Sin City, and enough humor to fill an entire spaceship. This is the first book in the series. There is no cheating, and this book ends with a HFN. Never fear, the series guarantees readers an HEA by the end!

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About the Author:

Chloe Archer writes M/M sci-fi and paranormal rom coms with laugh out loud humor because she’s all about bringing the funny-sexy back. Oh, yeah!

She currently calls Minnesota home, but has lived abroad in places like Montreal, Edinburgh, and Tokyo. She’s hoping to relocate to Scotland permanently one day if the stars align.

Chloe is a fur mama to two adorable Yorkies, Jasper and Teddy, and she loves them in a crazy dog mama kind of way. When she isn’t busy writing, she enjoys visiting friends and family, traveling, reading, binge watching movies and TV shows, and practicing her karaoke skills. She does a mean cover of Pat Benatar and Cher, or so she’s been told.

Connect with Chloe:
Website: https://chloearcher.com
Newsletter: https://tinyurl.com/3ax9we3p
SERIES LINK: https://tinyurl.com/TentacularTalesSeries
Book 1 Audiobook Link: https://tinyurl.com/itsnotunusualaudio
FB: https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100071621497295
FB Reader Group: https://www.facebook.com/groups/chloescosmos
IG: https://www.instagram.com/chloearcher_author/

