The Elusive Griffin, Mystics of Mistvale #1 by Stella Rainbow

Welcome back to Mistvale!! In The Elusive Griffin we get to see some terrific characters we've met before, and brand new ones!!

From the blurb:

An incubus dad working hard to be his best self for his son. A griffin librarian who doesn't trust incubi after getting his heart broken. An unlikely situation that brings them together.


Moving to Mistvale was the best decision I could've made for myself and my son Neel. I loved having the Mistvale clan to depend on, and Neel was flourishing.

But when he kept mentioning the griffin librarian who seemed to elude me every time I visited the library, it made me curious. Who was this man, and why was I the only one who hadn't seen him?

When we finally crossed paths, it was for a completely different reason. The griffin needed my help, and I couldn't bring myself to say no,


Being a librarian in a small town where a storm dragon watched over the supes was safe. It was secure. I liked my life, even if it got somewhat lonely. Being lonely was better than being hurt.

When my past came back to haunt me with what looked like a wicked twist of fate, I needed help. Asking an incubus for help was the last thing I wanted to do, but his son convinced me it would be a good idea.

What I hadn't expected was how sweet this particular incubus was. I just needed his help, but I couldn't help liking him more with each day we spent together.

The Elusive Griffin is an MM paranormal romance featuring an elusive griffin with trust issues, an incubus single-dad who just wants the best for his son, and two tweens who know for sure their dads are going to end up together.

Look out for:

A cautious griffin, a carefree incubus, single-dad, a librarian and all the book love, quiet times, slow burn, fated mates, Memphis just wants to be a good dad, Orion is great with kids, Neel is just a kid being a kid, Pax needs lots of hugs, sweet father-son moments, Mistvale craziness.

Mystics of Mistvale is the third series set in the fictional town of Mistvale, and each book in this series can be read as a standalone. The chronological order for all the Mistvale books is available on the author's website.

Angel's Review:

I haven't been able to read every single book that has taken place in Mistvale, (yet), but I still recognized most of the characters that were featured in this book. 

I honestly don't know how Stella keeps track of all of the different characters she creates, and all of their different personalities. 

The Elusive Griffin does take place in Mistvale but it's a spin off from the original series. We get introduced to Orion, Pax, Neel, Memphis, Vo, and Alden. A lot of characters I'm really excited to get to know. 

These characters already had a found family theme going on, but once Memphis finally meets the librarian his son was friends with, they form an ever bigger and better family. 

I was really impressed with this book, sometimes when a series goes on for a while books start to.. not be as great as the first few in the series were. However, that did not happen here! This book is just as well written, with great background details, plot, loveable characters, and moments that break your heart, as the first book was. Stella just keeps improving with each book that she writes. 

While I was reading this I kept waiting for something bad to happen, I was constantly guessing, trying to figure out what was going to happen next. And I could not figure it out! And what did happen surprised me! 

I adored 'seeing' all of the Mistvale clan together, and getting to know Orion and Pax, it was so sweet how they all rallied around each other. I'm really excited to see where this series goes next. And I also hope that at some point, we'll get Cam's story, he's such a fiesty character that I think his book would be fantastic! 

Rating: 5 Stars

The Elusive Griffin is available to buy as an ebook, paperback, or to read with Kindle Unlimited subscription.
