New Blood, The Godbearer #4 by L.C. Davis

I've been so looking forward to book 4 of the Godbearer series, and New Blood did not disappoint. 

From the blurb:

I know this will end the way it covered in blood.

Too much? Me being a demigod now and all, I figure I can get away with a pinch of melodrama.

I mean, have you seen Olympus? It's a damn soap opera up there. One I'd rather be watching on the couch with popcorn than playing a starring role in.

Not that things are much better down here. I'm still in denial over being madly in love with Cameron, the likely father of my twin babies and the far more evil twin of one of my three boyfriends. Because self-destruction is my brand, apparently.

Fortunately, so is being a vampire-taming, totally badass witch, and I'm going to do whatever it takes to keep my weird little cult-slash-family safe. And convince Cameron he belongs in the circus with the rest of us.

No biggie, right?

(Jk, send help. And nachos. I've been craving those lately.)


Author's Note: New Blood is the fourth book in the Godbearer series, which should be read in order. Vampire mayhem, snark, and hot MMM+ scenes abound.

Jacquie's Review:

Though this installment is a bit shorter than previous ones, it is no less enjoyable. I found myself getting through it quickly especially as I've missed Chase and his men.

I adore Chase. He's grown so much from the first book and overcame so many things against the odds. His humor is such a treat! He's snarky but kind underneath and certainly better than most of his men. Each of his boyfriends are working to prove they are worthy of him. Some doing better than others. The character growth from book 1 is amazing.

New Blood has a lot of Cameron in it, letting us see why Chase is fighting so hard for him. He's kind of growing on me. Cyrus is my favorite, followed by Sam, with Alex and Cameron fighting it out at the bottom of the pile as each of them have been awful to Chase in their own ways. I love that Chase hasn't completely forgiven them all for the things that they have done.

Not going to lie, I kinda love Hades and I'm not sure if I should. Please, please, please, don't let him be awful like Zeus!

This book ends on a bit of a cliffhanger with more than a few revelations. Can't wait!

Rating: 5 Stars

New Blood is available to buy as an ebook or to read with Kindle Unlimited subscription.
