#TeaserTuesday: Pies & Promises (Heartcraft Market #1) by Duckie Mack [NSFW]


Today's #TeaserTuesday takes a look at Duckie Mack's new series, Heartcraft Market, with book one, Pies & Promises. This book releases Saturday April 1, 2023 and is available for preorder on Amazon.

From the Blurb:

 Jason loves his life as a stay-at-home dad but being a divorced single father wasn’t part of the plan. Besides his kids, pies are his passion. He makes and sells his creations at the Heartcraft Market, but it’s not enough to live off of.

After his father's recent health scare, Nico is determined to help revive their family diner. Then he meets Jason, whose pies are as sweet as he is, and an idea begins to form.

Jason’s kids are everything to him, but his bed feels empty at night. Nico has always wanted a family, but he has yet to find a man that he could build a life with. Can a few pies lead to the promise of a future together?

Pies & Promises features two men whose love for family and food brings them together and has plenty of heart and heat baked in. The Heartcraft Market series features stand-alone novels that can be enjoyed on their own or read with the series to revisit your favorite characters.


Jason: How soon can you be here with a condom?

Practically running, I hurried to my bedroom and grabbed one from the new box I’d gotten hoping to have gone through several by now.

Me: Obeying the laws of traffic, about 15 minutes.

Jason: Hurry

That was it. It was enough to have me rushing to my car and driving as quickly as I felt I could get away with. My cock was rock hard with anticipation. I didn’t bother parking at the curb as I usually did, but pulled into the driveway, needing to cut the distance to Jason as much as possible. My hand was raised, about to knock when the door flung open. He pulled me inside by my shirt and closed and locked the door.

Chuckling, I happily trailed after as he led me up the stairs to his bedroom. “Why the urgency?”

“Parker had his karate performance tonight and Julie took the kids out for ice cream after. They’ll be back soon and I don’t want to waste this opportunity.”

My weeping cock was in agreement. We had been hanging on the edge, waiting for this moment for weeks. Except…there were many things we hadn’t done together and I longed for all of them. I paused in the doorway.

Jason looked back when I was no longer following. “There’s a lot I want with you, Nico. A. Lot. We’ll get those moments, all of them. But right now, I need you to fuck me hard and fast. We’ll get to the rest later.”

He made a compelling point. Who was I to argue with such logic? Jason drew his shirt off and threw it at me, the invitation more than clear. I caught it and stepped inside his room, closing the door behind me, and locking it, just in case. The wicked smile he wore was magnetic, drawing my body towards him, I lost all control of it.

Jason stood at the edge of his bed and lowered his pants, looking over his shoulder to watch for my reaction. When the waistband slid over the tight globes, it revealed a small strip of black between his cheeks. Was that…

“Holy fuck!”

Jason shimmied his ass for me as he leaned on the bed with his arms straight. “I told you I didn’t want to waste any time.”

“You’re wearing a plug?”

“No prep, Nico. I need you. Right. Now.”

It was the hottest thing I’d ever seen. While I liked the prep and the build-up and couldn’t wait to trace every line of Jason’s body, knowing he was this eager for me had my blood boiling. I didn’t bother removing my shirt and barely managed to undo my zipper to free my throbbing cock. Stepping behind him, I stroked over his ass, wishing I had more time to worship every part of him. Jason was gloriously naked, save the pants around his ankles. The desperation and need made the image before me even hotter.

Pulling the condom out of the pocket of my jeans hanging off my hips, I ripped the wrapper and rolled it on. “Just a warning. I’m not going to last long.”

“I don’t need you to. I just need to feel you inside of me. It’s all I’ve been thinking about.” Jason’s voice was thick with need.


Pies & Promises is available for pre-order now on Amazon and will be available April 1, 2023 as part of your Kindle Unlimited subscription.

