Taming Savage, Tales Reimagined #1 by RS McKenzie

While their relationship might not be conventional, they ended up being just what the other needed. Taming Savage is a retelling of a popular fairytale.

From the blurb:


After the death of our parents, I was taken in by my brother, who has been taking care of me more out
of obligation than love. When he doesn’t come home from a job—if burglary can be considered a job—I discover he’s been taken by a beast of a man with soulless eyes. Even with his scars he’s hot as hell, but his cold eyes chill me to the bone. My brother is the only family I have, so I do the only thing I can to make sure my brother is free: I offer myself to the beast for a year instead. When I find out who he is, I fear I may be in over my head.


The first word that comes to mind when I see Abel? Beautiful. The second? Untouchable. He’s much too beautiful for the likes of me, with my shifting moods and damaged body. What if I spend this year trying to win him over–mind, body, heart, and soul? It would be possible if my enemies weren’t a constant threat. If I were a regular guy, I could have someone like Abel. I have these scars because of who I am; these scars that scare everyone away. Could a beauty like Abel ever see beyond the beast to the man underneath?

Taming Savage is Beauty and the Beast reimagined as a dark and steamy gay romance with heart-pounding action, forced proximity, age gap, found family, a naughty virgin, first times, kink exploration, a mild D/s dynamic, and features a cold, damaged crime boss and the snarky beauty who will finally tame his beast.

Trigger warning: Discussion of past parental and animal death that happens off page, on-page torture and violence, on-page murder, sale of drugs and weapons and dubcon. Explicit sexual content not suitable for anyone under the age of eighteen. If those are triggers for you, please do not read.

Angel's Review:

Wow.. I'm very impressed with this book. At first I was a bit skeptical about how this started out, but then the characters personalities and backstories got brought up, relationships developed, and action ensued. 

Sav and Abel's love may not have happened is Abel's brother, Cris, hadn't tried to steal from Savage's house. I really enjoyed reading about Sav and Abel's relationship develop, it was a slow burn with benefits that slowly developed into more. Quin and Michael were great side characters that served a purpose for being part of the story. I though Adam was just adorable, he always had questions for everyone and didn't blink an eye at Sav's scars or Abel's appearance. He was a cute element to this darker romance story. Want to know who another cute character is? Pogo! It was so sweet of Savage to not only listen to Abel about his childhood dog, but to also try to find him a dog that resembled the pet Abel lost during that horrific night. 

Cris.. is a character I'm glad didn't survive. He got what was coming to him, how he treated his brother was terrible and horrendous! I don't understand how he could be so cruel to Abel. 

Overall this was a really good read, and I'm looking forward to reading Trusting Quin. 

Rating: 4.5 Stars

Taming Savage is available to buy as a paperback and an ebook and can be read as part of your Kindle Unlimited subscription
