Riff by Zoe Piper (Larkspur book 2)

We meet both Cal and Seth in book one of the series, and now we get to piece together the breadcrumbs that were left in the first book to tell us exactly what is happening with these two apparent opposites in Riff!

From the blurb:

Cal thought graduating from MIT would set him up for life, but when he's laid off with crippling student debts to pay, he hits rock bottom. Overqualified for nearly every job he applies for, Cal finds himself jumping at the only opportunity offered to him.

Larkspur’s lead-guitarist, Seth, doesn't get involved. Tour crew members are off limits, and he isn't around anyone else long enough to start the real relationship he truly wants, so he keeps to himself and plays up his rebel rocker persona. But his resolve is tested as he finds himself drawn to the band's new assistant.

When Cal reveals why he is on tour with them, Seth can't help giving in and acting more like his rash rebel persona instead of the level-headed man he knows he is. When a fake arrangement turns into more, can Seth convince Cal that there's more to him than meets the eye?

Riff is a low-angst, sweet with heat MM romance. It is book two in the Larkspur series, and can be read as a standalone, however, for maximum enjoyment, reading book one first will enhance the experience as the storylines run concurrently.

Heather's Review:

We get a glimpse into the personas that Cal and Seth project to the world in Snare, but it's not until Zoe Piper shines the spotlight on the two of them that we see new sides of both men and we start putting the puzzle pieces together as their relationship unfolds...

An attraction both men fight, a way to solve problems both men have and a slow build to what could be a HEA, this book is well paced and the characters are both deep and intriguing... this book sucked me in and held me - even when I had to put it aside to finish another read that was due, it kept calling me back until I finished it!

I can't wait for the next book in the series to see how the breadcrumb trails laid for the other two band members play out!

Riff could be read standalone, but the interesting dynamic of following the same timeline as book one makes it delicious to read after the Snare, it's like fitting pieces together after seeing one side of the cube...

Rating: 5 Stars

Riff is currently available in paperback and e-book formats and can be read as part of your Kindle Unlimited subscription.
