Music To His Ears By Ariella Zoelle: Review, Excerpt and Giveaway


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From the blurb:

Harmony of Hearts, Book 4

Sal and Haverford are forced to live together, but that doesn’t mean they have to like it. Sparks fly between them, but will it lead to love?

Sal Henrik

Coming home from a world tour early to find out my roommate sublet my room sucks. But being forced to share my room with the most annoying attorney on the planet? I’d rather launch myself into the sun, thanks.

Since that’s not an option, and I refuse to be chased out of my own room, I have to suck it up and share a bed with my enemy. As if that wasn’t bad enough, I discover Haverford is a secret cuddlebug—and worst of all, I don’t hate it.

If he insists on staying in my space and making me delicious dinners, he has no one to blame but himself for making me fall in love with him, right?

Haverford Delaroche

My peaceful subletting situation is thrown into total chaos when Sal comes home early. We start as enemies, but I begrudgingly develop a fondness for his fiery tenacity. That doesn’t excuse me waking up every morning to discover I’m cuddling him like my favorite teddy bear, though.

But when it feels like he was made for me to hold, how can I resist falling for Sal when he’s everything I didn’t know I needed?

Music to His Ears is the fourth book in the Harmony of Hearts series and part of the Sunnyside universe. This novel features a comedic enemies to lovers, forced proximity, rock star, age gap, opposites attract, gay romance. If you love cute sweetness, sexy fun, and no angst stories that will make you laugh and swoon, you’ll enjoy this satisfying HEA without cliffhangers. Each book can be read as a standalone or as part of the series in order.

Heather's Review:

I'm a sucker for a forced proximity, only one bed enemies to lovers story and this one is fun from beginning to end... sweet, steamy, humourous and just a little teeny bit angsty when Sal fights his own wants and needs before giving in and accepting what Ford is offering!

This was a quick and easy read and it was so much fun catching up with the band and their partners!  It can be read standalone as well, but you'll have more fun if you know the history of the recurring characters.

Rating: 4.5 Stars

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Chapter 1: Sal Henrik

If I didn’t get some sleep soon, I was going to burn the world down. Staggering into my apartment at four in the morning after a thirty-seven-hour flight from hell, I dropped all my shit in the living room and headed straight to my pitch-black bedroom.

There wasn’t any point in turning on a light when I was three seconds away from crashing in my bed I had dearly missed while being on the road for our international tour.

I stripped on the way before crawling under the sheets. Exhaling a heavy sigh as I closed my eyes, I melted into a boneless puddle, more than ready for sleep to claim me for the night.

“Is there some reason you’re in my bed?”

My eyes flew open as I startled back with a noise of shock from the sound of a man’s voice that did not belong to my roommate. In the darkness, I could see the faint outline of a person next to me I had somehow missed earlier. My heart jumped into my throat as I fumbled for the lamp on my nightstand. In true me-fashion, all I did was knock the stupid thing onto the floor and break it.

The stranger sat up with a sigh and turned on the other bedside table lamp. I squinted against the sudden brightness. My mind reeled at the sight of a gorgeous god of a man in my bed.

Whereas my reaction was one of fear, he didn’t seem the least bit unsettled, which was amazing, considering I’d woken him up. He ran his fingers through the black hair that framed his face, looking freshly tousled by a good fuck that gave me dirty thoughts. The sheets dipped low, making me realize we were both naked. That really didn’t help me think thoughts that weren’t about fucking.

The man appeared to be older than me by quite a few years. His flinty gray eyes watched me with an intensity that made my heart pound. His handsome face had an annoyed frown on it as he studied me with disdain. “Again, I’ll ask: is there some reason you’re in my bed?”

My fear morphed into rage. “Your bed? What are you talking about? The better question is, what the hell are you doing in my bed?”

I may have been deeply flustered by the appearance of the naked stranger, but he was almost infuriatingly cool, calm, and collected. “I refuse to argue semantics with you at this ridiculous hour. Remove yourself from my presence at once.”

What kind of asshole used the word “semantics” at four in the morning? His authoritative tone rankled me. Who did this guy think he was? A prince who could order me around as if I was a peon?

My stubborn streak asserted itself. “I’m not going anywhere! If anything, I should call the cops and have you arrested for breaking and entering!”

“I have done no such thing.” He narrowed his eyes in a warning glare that made my heart skip a beat for all the wrong reasons. Damn him for being so attractive! “You seem to suffer from the delusion that I’m a trespasser when you’re the one who broke into my room.”

My temper flared as I raised my voice. I did not need that type of bullshit before 5:00 a.m. after a hard day of travel on the heels of a long world tour. All I wanted to do was sink into dreams. “Because I live here!”

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Enter the Giveaway:

To celebrate Ariella's new release, we are giving you the chance to win the eBook of your choice from Ariella's Published Works. Three winners will be chosen!

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About the Author:

Ariella Zoelle adores steamy, funny, swoony romances where couples are allowed to just be happy. She writes low angst stories full of heat, humor, and heart. But sometimes she's in the mood for something with a bit more angst and drama. If you are too, check out her A.F. Zoelle books.

For real time updates on her writing progress, please join her Facebook group for exclusive teasers or follow her on Twitter or Instagram. You can also sign up for her newsletter to gain access to bonus chapters, previews of upcoming books, exclusive visual guides, and more.

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