Bound to Him By: Ki Brightly, M.D. Gregory Narrated by: R. C. Willis

These lovable characters in Bound to Him are complete opposites. I found it entertaining how these two handle a forced marriage and how they each handle the others' families.

From the blurb:

The billionaire who wins at all costs:
Texan Alton Bouchard always gets what he wants. There’s not much money can’t buy, and for
everything else, he bulldozes his way to victory. The moment he sees Noah Divine, the heir of the Divine Conglomerate, Alton knows he wants him. Alton digs up enough dirt to scare Noah’s father, and before Noah realizes what is happening, he’s contracted to be married to Alton for six months.

The artist minted by money:
Noah Divine wants nothing to do with his family’s business. His dream to be a painter has made him his father’s number one disappointment. When he’s asked to marry Alton to smooth over the dark splotches on his family’s reputation, Noah can’t see a solution to the problem except to comply, if only to keep life normal for his younger siblings.

The marriage plot:
Alton has a plan—a short marriage to Noah, which will give him business, as well as personal opportunities. The hitch is that he doesn’t expect Noah to be so pure and innocent, especially since he’d grown up in the moneyed world of Vert Island. Noah wants to hate Alton, but he discovers there’s more to the billionaire than he shows. As they navigate their arrangement, they find their feelings for each other grow deeper than they anticipated. Once six months is over, their lives will go back to the way they were before the wedding. But what if they don’t want to be alone again? Can a marriage started with a contract ever become more?

At the beginning of Bound to Him, Alton has a complete lack of morals, but never fear, Noah wins him over, and there is a happily ever after.

Reedkaye's Review:

The characters are so opposite in every way that there is no way without some intervention they would have ever got together. Noah is sweet and an aspiring artist. His dad wants him to follow in his footstep in business, but that is just not Noah, so to his parents he is a pariah.
Alton is a extremely successful businessman. He wants revenge on Noah’s dad for his mishandling of an investment Alton and others have made with him. His revenge starts by insisting on marrying Noah.  Noah has never met Alton and has no idea why he wants to marry him when he can have anyone else he wants. 
Bound to Him starts on a very shaky relationship, but as Alton gets his opportunity with Noah’s dad’s business, the question becomes how will Noah and Alton deal with being married for six months.  

This main characters of this story are both so likable. I enjoyed Alton’s parents and how they related to Noah. The story flow moved right along, not giving me time to lose interest.  I feel this is more of a relaxing read.  I enjoyed how the author handled the ending, leaving no doubt where these two end up.  

I also enjoyed the narration by R.C. Willis. He gave the characters' distinct voices.

Rating: 5 Stars

Bound to Him is available to buy from Audible and is Whispersynced.
