In Tune by Elle Keaton (The Road to Roctoberfest 2022 Multi-Author Series)

Janet says, "In Tune is a fantastic addition to the Road to Rocktoberfest series. Best friend to lovers, cameos and Piedras Island!"

From the blurb:


Life is good for Dean Blanchett, lead guitarist of the superstar rock band, the Lost Apostles. He's got his music, he's got his dog, he's got his best friend Luka and the girl he's gonna marry. Right up until a few days before the biggest show of the year, when his fiancé literally throws his ring in his face and leaves him for an accountant.


Dean quickly spirals out of control, knowing Luka will be there to pick up the pieces. Again. It’s a good thing he has a friend like Luka.


How many more times will Luka have to put Dean together again? Staying with the band, taking care of Dean's dog - who's really Luka's dog - while Dean chases after the next girl who is 'the one' and then crashes and burns. Again. It's all taking its toll.

And why does his stupid heart keep insisting Dean is the only one it wants?

This time is IT. Luka is done with the Dean Drama, the soul-mates-of-the-month, even the band. He loves Dean, he has since they met, but Dean is straight as a ruler. And unless something changes, he’s going to self-destruct something Luka can’t bear to watch.

When Luka throws down an ultimatum, Dean begins to question everything—including his sexuality.

Can he live without his best friend? Does he even want to try?

There's only one way to find out; he has to live with him first.

In Tune is part of the multi-author The Road to Rocktoberfest 2022 series. Each book can be read as a standalone, but why not read them all and see who hits the stage next? Hot rockstars and the men who love them, what more could you ask for? Kick back, load up your kindle and enjoy the men of Rocktoberfest!

Janet's Review:

In Tune is part of the multi author series Road to Rocktoberfest 2022. I seriously adore this book, with it’s captivating characters, the love that Luka and Dean shared, and the crossovers from her other series. The flashbacks were sweet to read, learning how these two came to be best friends. I wanted to smack Dean and yell at him to wake up or you’ll lose the best thing that ever happened to him. I loved how Dean just accepted his sexuality and didn’t question it; he knew deep in his heart he loved Luka! 

But my favorite characters were Frank and Nancy!!!

 Overall, a fantastic addition to the series. Well written with pacing that kept me engaged and flipping the pages!

Rating: 5 Stars

Heather's Review:

Frank stole the show!  Any story with an adorable Husky with personality is worth the read, but does the love story between Dean and Luka compete?  Yes!  

One of my friends asked for recs with a clueless/oblivious character and I've texted her to add In Tune to her TBR, because one of the most clueless characters I've read in a long time is Dean... Luka is so sweet, genuine and just a little spineless... but it works and the story is well paced, thoughtful and a great read!  While there are Roctoberfest elements, this story goes beyond the rock lifestyle and it works...

Rating: 5 Stars

In Tune is currently available as a paperback and an e-book and can be read as part of your Kindle Unlimited Subscription
