Service Before Self: MM Military Romance by J.L. Gribble

Two men meet on an app not knowing either is military but it's too late they're hooked. Service Before Self is a forbidden (ish) military romance of two men just trying to live their best lives.

From the blurb:

The biggest threat to their love story isn’t just military regulations. It’s their own history.

As Alex counts down the days to a massive promotion, he hopes it will allow him to improve the life he shares with his sister and finally make up for her sacrifices during his childhood. The two of them have lost enough to know they are the only family they need.

Falling for an officer might screw up all his carefully laid plans.

A year after leaving his ex, Finn still struggles to live life on his terms. One unexpected hookup changes everything. Seeing the sergeant in uniform the morning after should have been the end of it, but their tentative friendship soon turns into something more.

That Alex sees the best in everything may be a feature, not a bug, but Finn has been burned by military relationships before. When Finn’s ex-husband discovers their connection and threatens their future together, they’re forced to decide whether their growing bond is worth upending the lives they’ve worked so hard to build.

Alex already has one foot out the door, and Finn is trapped by his past.

They’ll have to challenge family, uncertainty, and the U.S. Air Force to make this work.

Service Before Self an M/M contemporary romance featuring grumpy/sunshine vibes, a forbidden(ish) relationship, and unconventional heroes—because the other 99% of the military deserves love, too. This is a standalone novel with a happily ever after and no cliffhanger.

Molly Otto's review:

This book is unlike any other military books I've read before and from me that's saying something. These men must make hard choices that will not only affect their family but their careers as well. Alex is offered a promotion, which will allow him financial stability for him and his sister and a real chance with Finn. Finn was burned in the past from a fellow military officer, so he has his apprehension in trying this out. They start as friends and become more, but when times get rough, Finn choose to save them from possible military ramifications. I won't say I love this part of the story or agree with the choices he made, but I can understand them. I can also understand why Alex does allow him another chance he's all in. I'm happy to see how they move past this and make a lasting relationship even when I wanted to maybe punch someone.

Service Before Self is currently available as an e-book and can be read as part of your Kindle Unlimited Subscription
