Head Rush (A Haven Hart Novel) by Davidson King

Simon and Rush knew things weren't over with Liam, but they weren't prepared for Liam's hostility. Will they be able to make it out alive?

From the Head Rush blurb:


All I want is to finish college, live life as a musician, and love the man of my dreams. That man, however, is Simon Manos, nephew of crime boss Christopher Manos, and there’s a war brewing on the streets of Haven Hart. Achieving my dreams has to be done while ducking bullets, trying not to get blown up, and hoping enemies don’t kill me.


I love Rush and want him to have everything he could ever hope for—all that his father denied him. As the heir to the Manos family business, it’s not quite that simple; I have responsibilities to fulfill. Haven Hart is getting dangerous, enemies need to be dealt with, and unfortunately, our dreams of the future must be put on hold.

We call on old friends and band together to face a common threat. When we’re forced into hiding, the situation escalates and the odds don’t seem to be in our favor. We do the only thing we can…stand our ground to the bitter end. As our lives start to fall apart, the unasked question is posed: Will someone have to make the ultimate sacrifice to save everyone?

Angel's review:

Head Rush picks up where Secret Simon left off, it's a continuation of Simon and Rush's story. I do think you should read Secret Simon before reading this book, if you don't you'll be missing out on crucial information, along with not knowing what the deal with Liam is.

I found the writing to be an excellent extension from Secret Simon, it picked up right where the other book left off. I liked how things seemed to flow seamlessly from one book to this one, it was like no time passed at all. The characters were as great as they were previously, and we got to read about different characters in this one. The action scenes are described really well, the plot thickens with each chapter, you are kept in suspense wondering what's going to happen next. I loved how you're left in suspense trying to figure out what's going to happen to the characters, always being kept on your toes wondering who's going to make it out alive.

When the pivotal action scene happened towards the end of the book I was really worried that something bad was going to happen to Snow, Rush, Fred, and Mace. I liked the not knowing, and I enjoyed that things weren't all bad, but things weren't all great and smooth sailing either. I also liked seeing Rush's character grow throughout this story, and I enjoyed seeing Fred's character again. I hope he gets his happy ever after, that man deserves it after everything he's been through.

Overall a terrific book! I adored seeing the family dynamic all of these character have with one another, their banter is amusing and endearing.

Head Rush is currently available as an audiobook, e-book and paperback, and can be read as part of your Kindle Unlimited Subscription
