Creek (Honorably Discharged Book 1) by Nora Phoenix and E.M. Lindsey

Creek is the start to the Honorably Discharged series by Nora phoenix & EM Lindsey of Four men moving on from career ending changes. This is a low angst grumpy sunshine trope done in the most beautiful way.

From the blurb:

Accepting my career in the Army is over after losing my leg is hard.   

But the obnoxious, good looking, glass-half-full surfer in my physical therapy sessions is worse.

And god help him if he doesn’t stop trying to give me advice.

Living in a home with three of my closest veteran buddies is a challenge as we all have our crosses to bear and wounds to heal from, but mine only seem to be getting deeper with every step forward I take. I already have to adjust to a new life as a civilian. I don’t need a sexuality crisis to go with it.

But Heath is making me question everything I thought I knew about myself. And while that should terrify me, somehow, he’s helping me feel braver than I ever have before.

Creek is the first book of the Honorably Discharged series, featuring a grumpy veteran with a chip on his shoulder the size of Texas, a sunshine surfer who can bring out the best in almost everyone, a bisexual awakening, found family, hurt/comfort, and a steamy happily ever after.

Molly Otto's Review:

This book is not what I was expecting by any means necessary, and wow, is it just wow. Two men both lost their legs in completely different circumstances, as they are completely different men. Creek is not ready for all the change in his life that all happened in a flash, but thanks to his best friend's and now Heath, he is getting by. 

Heath just goes with the flow of life and just moves forward, not expecting Creek, a grumpy Sargent who he just can't read. The two of them start with a banter that may not be always nice, but it's real. When Creek makes a mistake, he proves to Heath what kind of man he truly is deep down. The bond of Creek and his housemates is that of pure love and support that you can only hope all people will receive at one point in their life. And Heath gets it he doesn't interfere with their bond he embraces and encourages them to be able to heal and one day move on. 

There are no expectations from either side, just a love so strong they will go at each other's pace for their eventual happily ever after. I can't wait to read the rest of the stories of these men to see how they grow.

Heather's Review:

So much to unpack, especially for Creek... losing a limb, his livelihood and his identity in the accident that brings together all of the Honorably Discharged Men, is contrasted with Heath's story - another terrible way to also lose a leg, but he's further along on his healing journey, making the tension even higher at the beginning...

I love how well these two men click, but also how far they have to go to build a healthy relationship with each other.   Steamy, sweet, tough and emotional, this book was a great read.  It also opens us up to meeting Creek's found family and I can't wait to see where this goes next.

Angel's review:

Wow. That's what I've got to say in regards to this incredible, magnificent, wonderful story. Just... Wow! When Nora and E.M. started teasing this story I knew immediately that I had to read it once it released. I've been not so patiently waiting for this book to release, and thankfully, I was able to get an arc copy of this fantastic story!!

All of the characters that are apart of this story all play an integral role in helping add depth to the plot, they each add their own individual personality, and they also help bring together the found family that these men have formed together.

Creek and Heath's characters were fantastic! I liked that they started as enemies to lovers, competing against each other to see who could get their exercises done first, and then slowly developing feelings for each other gradually over time. Something that I really appreciated about this story and these characters in particular, is how Creek and Heath aren't rushing into moving in together, or getting married and having kids. They are taking things one day at a time and doing what feels right to them. And I absolutely adored and stand by that message. I wish more romance books highlighted that more often, because it's okay to not want to move in with each other right away, and it's okay to not want to rush marriage either. That was showcased really beautifully in this story.

The dynamic that these two had together was electric! They started off with so much tension between them, that slowly started to morph into tenderness, care, affection, and love. I loved the work both of these authors put into doing as much research as possible so their characters, along with the stories they weave, are as realistic and true to their disability/affliction as possible.

I'm really looking forward to seeing what else happens in this series, and I'm eager to see more of Nash, Bean, Tameron, Forrest, Kaleo, and Kent! I'm excited to read more about how their stories unfold!

Creek is currently available as an e-book and paperback and can be read as part of your Kindle Unlimited Subscription
