Fate, Reborn (Rubyville Vampires Book 3) by Silvana Falcon

One man hates vampires and wants to put a stop to them all, the other man is a vampire who's mate despises his kind. Can they work things out? Or are they doomed?

From the Fate, Reborn blurb:

Some love survives death.

Mordyn never got over the horror of losing his fated mate. Even a hundred years later, he blames himself. What kind of vampire is he, that he failed to protect the man he promised forever?

The worst kind.

So when fate offers him a second chance, he refuses.

Apollo is his mate reborn.

But Mordyn isn’t going to mess up his life a second time.

No matter how much he yearns to sink his fangs into Apollo and reclaim what he’s lost.

Apollo doesn’t lust after vampires. He hunts them down and locks them up—if he doesn’t just stake them. It’s hard work, but someone’s got to do it—and every kill soothes some of that ever-burning anger inside of him.

But Mordyn’s smile fans the flames inside him in all the wrong ways.

He’s hot, yes, but he’s the enemy.

And yet Apollo keeps having these dreams. Dreams in which he’s not quite himself. Dreams that only stoke the fire he tries so hard to keep in check while he’s awake.

When he’s forced to work with Mordyn, he doesn’t know how to manage. Before long, he’s either going to screw the vampire or stick a knife in him.

He almost doesn’t care which.

Angel's review:

Apollo and Mordyn's story was unique and very enjoyable to read. I loved how they didn't get together quickly, rather instead took their time getting to truly know one another before trying to do anything. The pacing I thought was fantastic, the story and plot just flowed smoothly. The characters themselves were terrific! Apollo was stubborn, determined, and ruthless when he needed to be, and Mordyn was the same. I appreciated how Silvana had these characters get to know each other as their present selves, instead of thinking they know each other based on who they were in the past.

Apollo and Mordyn's journey is filled with angst, pain, anguish, confusion, stubbornness and plenty of love. I thought the action scenes were written well, I liked the mystery element surrounding Apollo's sister's disappearance. The concept of Apollo being Jory reincarnated was very interesting and really fascinating to read about. I hope Keegan gets his own story at some point because I want to know more about him. He always tries to help his friends in whichever way he can, and makes sure he give them a push when needed. Overall a fantastic vampire story!!

SNik's review:

Third in series (Rubyville Vampires), best if read in order. Paranormal. Fated mates. Found family. Dual POV. 

Mordyn knows his mate has been reincarnated into the human activist Apollo who incidentally hates vampires, and Mordyn has vowed to stay away to keep him safe. But Apollo is in danger, just like before, so Mordyn is reluctantly drawn into helping Apollo, but he hesitates to let Apollo know what he once meant to Mordyn. 

There are some seriously heartfelt emotions from Mordyn having lost his mate once, and the memories that Apollo begins to have of their past together are also heartbreaking. I do wish they spent more time getting to know each other in this life, but I enjoyed the story nevertheless. Both Apollo and Mordyn are capable characters molded by their pasts, insisting on ignoring their fate until it all becomes too much to deny. There is conflict, action, violence, lust, and some steamy times to reunite them once Apollo and Mordyn choose each other again.

Fate, Reborn is currently available as an e-book and paperback and can be read as part of your Kindle Unlimited Subscription
