4-Ever by Ava Olsen (Wayward Lane book 3)

If it feels like we've been waiting for Faisel and Ronin to get together forever, 4-Ever reinforces that with a slow build to their HEA amid hurt/comfort and hard truths.

From the blurb:

Faisel: I’ve always felt the pressure to succeed, but instead of the conventional path, one that my family wanted, I chose music. As the drummer for Wayward Lane, I’ve experienced all the highs and lows of rockstar life including addiction. Now there’s another battle I’m facing - my intense feelings for my best friend and bandmate, Ronin Stadler. We grew up together, inseparable to this day but our lifelong bond is shifting. Do I keep my feelings a secret or risk our friendship for something more?

Ronin: Growing up in a home that was anything but stable, music was my escape and Faisel Reed, my rock. My friendship with him has grounded me, weathering the craziness of rockstar life. But lately, he’s been pulling away and for the first time in a long time, I’m scared. The thought of losing him makes me look at our relationship in a whole new light.
One that looks a lot like… forever.

4-Ever is a best friends to lovers, hurt/comfort, MM rockstar romance filled with magnetic chemistry, lifelong love, and a HEA fit for rockstar soulmates.

Heather's Review:

This book takes us through Faisel and Ronin's entire friendship, building us up to the moment where pining and cluelessness fall away and something clicks to take them from friends to lovers... but since it wasn't an easy road to get to lovers, being lovers won't be entirely easy either... 

I love that these two finally get together and we also see the rest of the band settling into life after their tour.  It was a beautiful finale to the series and a fitting end for the Wayward Lane band.

Miki J.'s review:

This one was a tough read ....you follow both Ro and Faisel from when they first met to current time .... and all, and I mean all, of the downs and ups...and that's no typo !! The behind the scenes portrayal of the rockstar life is an eye-opener....you kinda assume what'd be like...but this, you are right amongst it all - it's raw, gritty and unapologetic. And it's not a sweet and romantic story - we know they are in love with each other. This book is how they finally admit it ...to themselves and each other. Yes, you'll cry and gasp and laugh (I mean, they still act like teenagers) .... but at the core, it's got plenty of heart & love - with each other and their family/found family. Great series.

4-Ever is currently available as an e-book and paperback and can be read as part of your Kindle Unlimited Subscription
