Conjured Chaos Kisses by Ki Brightly

We are back to the Monster Match series where humans and monsters are paired to meet their perfect Match. In Conjured Chaos Kisses we have an opposites attract got off on the wrong foot romance.

From the blurb:

Being a Myth Doesn’t Live Up to the Hype
Leander Mast didn’t ask to come to Rivenfield, and he definitely didn’t ask to be thrust into the middle of a neighborhood battle over an ancient tree, but as a Giwoggle—who goes wherever a witch might conjure him—he doesn’t have much choice in the matter.
And Leander definitely doesn’t count on getting stuck.
While Leander attempts to get home, struggling against the magic keeping him from stepping outside the town limits, he butts heads with Ben, his new grumpy neighbor.
And it doesn’t help that Leander cut down Ben’s tree.

The Neighborhood Outcast
Ben Wise knows two things about life. Firstly, he would love to date one of the new monsters in town because humans are, without a doubt, boring. Secondly, he hates the man who took over his neighbor’s house. He’d had a running battle with the old man as well. It’s as if the universe decided to try to drive Ben insane because everywhere he goes, he runs into Leander—the jerk who cut down his tree.

The grocery store.

The local diner.

His own backyard.

Ben is plagued by Leander’s presence.

And finally, they even match on the new monster dating app Ben has been using.
Ben swears he’s going to walk the other way any time he sees Leander—online or off—but fate seems to have other ideas. And Ben is furious about it.

Molly Otto's review:

Yet another slam dink for the Monster Match series! Let's just say these two get off to a bad start, and it takes Ben's stubborn butt to realize maybe he judged Leander too harshly for something he had absolutely no control over. They may take a minute to communicate, but when they do, it works, and they make a perfect match. They just needed open communication to understand their differences. 

Very quick and enjoyable read when looking for an under 150-page book. As with the rest of this highly-qualified recommendation, to giving them a try when looking for something new and different.

Conjured Chaos Kisses is currently available as an e-book and can be read as part of your Kindle Unlimited Subscription
