Blu, My Protector (Family Ties Book 1) by RS McKenzie

No one knows Blu York is a psychopathic serial killer apart from his victims as the light blinks out of their eyes and their hearts take the final beat. Blu, My Protector is the first in a new series, Family Ties.

From the blurb:


There’s a beast inside me, urging me to kill.  

As a psychiatrist, I expect to encounter psycho- and sociopathic patients. I never have the urge to kill them. Until one patient triggers that need inside me. I expect the kill to be easy, just like the others. What I don’t expect is to want to possess my patient’s boyfriend, June. As soon as I lay eyes on June, I know he’s mine. He’ll find out soon enough.


Wanting to be happy shouldn’t cost me my life.

I’m happy with my boyfriend and I’m ready to take our relationship to the next level. Until I find out he’s a serial killer and I’m slated to be his next victim. I’m saved by a handsome older man just in the nick of time…the same handsome man that stared into my soul at my coffee shop. Even though he scares me, I feel a connection to Blu York. One I want to deepen.

Blu and June meet under less than ideal circumstances. Can their love prevail? Or will dating a psychopath be too much for June?

Blu, My Protector is a MM dark themed, dual POV, high heat romance. It contains a cute barista and a psychopathic psychiatrist that will kill anyone that tries to hurt his little fox. HEA guaranteed.

Please check trigger warnings in book before reading.

ChaosKay's Review:

Serial Killer
Obsessed Possessive H
Touch Him & Die

Blu hides behind his job as a psychiatrist listening to the mundane ramblings of his patients keeping up the facade he’s as normal as they are that is until he sees the sadistic serial killer in one patient so he starts the ritual that he’s mastered with each victim however when he meets the man his patient has set his sights on making his next victim Blu feels emotions he’s never felt before and when he saves June from the date that would have been his final night those emotions get stronger . 

Being a psychopath/sociopath he knows he’s unable to feel love but he knows June will be his and if anyone so much as breathes a wrong breath near June it will be their downfall. As much as June wants to stay away from the serial killer who saved him from a serial killer the pull is too strong and he needs answers from Blu to make sure he’s not his next victim. 

I absolutely devoured this book I loved the journey Blu and June took and the way they understood each other and adapted to each others needs and that twist near the end 😳 well to say I was left gobsmacked would have been an understatement it was the icing on the cake of a fabulous book and I’m sat waiting patiently for Leo’s book.

Blu, My Protector is currently available as an e-book and paperback and can be read as part of your Kindle Unlimited Subscription
