#NSFWednesday: Movement (Stay Grounded #4) by B.H. Lynn


We have another steamy #NSFWednesday for you tonight. Enjoy this spicy excerpt from book #4 of B.H. Lynn's Stay Grounded series: Movement

From the Blurb:

How did I find myself in the middle of two wars?

Like much of the nation, Orlando is in the midst of political and societal unrest. Protests are a nightly occurrence, and the cities criminal organizations are taking advantage of the overworked police force. What looks like a Motorcycle gang spat turns out to have deeper roots, and murder and mayhem follow. Add in a string of attacks on LEO’s, rising tensions all around, and a confrontation with an extremist nothing could prepare me for, and I’m reaching the end of a rope I’ve weaved with years of therapy and healing.

As the pieces of the puzzle start coming together, I find myself standing in the crossfire of it all. Hate faces us at every turn, and if Jules and I don’t find a way to cut it off at the head, the city we’ve sworn to protect is going to have bigger issues than a few looters.

But nothing is what it seems, the threat is getting closer to home, and amid a world gone mad, I find the people I’ve come to lean on now need me to prove their efforts aren’t wasted.

My love for Alex has survived worse than this, but if I’m not careful, I might not.


It was hard to focus on drying off when Alex was placing needy kisses on my neck and shoulder as we stepped out of the shower. I backed Alex into the vanity, dropped to my knees, and relished in knowing this was the last time I’d be in control today.

“Gods, you’re fucking incredible.” Alex’s back arched and left enough room for me to get my hands behind his firm ass.

His fingers tangled in my hair and urged my lips closer to his waist. That twinge of pain riding on top of my desire did wicked things to me. I took the first inch of his cock into my mouth, and it hardened against my lips.

“More.” Alex commanded.

I worked my lips further down his shaft and slid my tongue over the thick vein.

“More.” Alex’s voice was husky, his hand now balled into a fist full of my soaked hair.

My cock throbbed and jerked between my legs. I gripped it in my palm, and sucked the rest of his shaft down until I could feel the wet, damp hair that trailed down his abdomen against my forehead.

“Ungh.” Alex groaned; his head tilted back until it thumped against the mirror. “That’s it. Take it all.” His hips rocked forward and back until his cock leaked pre against my tongue, then he guided my head away. “That mouth could make a man do unspeakable things.”

Movement is available on Amazon.

