#SpotlightSaturday: Cloud White (Nailed It! #3) by Fearne Hill


Today's #SpotlightSaturday shines down on book three of Fearne Hill's Nailed It series, Cloud White

From the Blurb:

Meet Milo and Mungo. Mungo and Milo.
Just friends. Best friends.
Honestly, there’s nothing more to it.
Just best friends. And bad timing.

That awkward moment when you realise you’re dancing alone. That you’re hopelessly in love with your oldest friend, except somehow along the way, you forgot to tell him. Tired of waiting for you to come to your senses, he’s moved on, he’s found his significant other.
And now it’s too late.

Though slowly dying inside, you pick yourself up, swallow your pride, and grieve from the side lines. And everything is fine, until the day you notice him acting strangely.
Why is he unhappy? A shadow of his former self?

You know him better than anyone and something is not right. Against good advice, you confront him. And risk ruining everything.

Cloud White is a friends-to-lovers romance with a hard-won happy ending. Be kind to yourselves and heed the trigger warnings.


Bearded men made better lovers. Mungo White had declared it thus, and he was a lawyer. So it must be true.  

His beard, which endangered wildlife could get lost in, had nothing to do with it. 

“And I’ll tell you something else, Milo,” he announced, his strong arm providing vital support as we tottered on tipsy legs towards home. “Kissing a man without a beard is like drinking champagne without bubbles. Fact.”

If that were the case, I’d singlehandedly kept the flat champagne economy afloat for years.

But no longer. Tonight, all that was on the cusp of changing forever. Because as soon as I pushed open the front door, Mungo White and I were going to be a hell of a lot more than best friends and housemates. When I finally wriggled out of these excruciatingly tight trousers and unzipped him from his much more comfortable ones, he’d forget he was being seduced by the guy who’d once turned him down and broken his heart. That was the past; I’d been young and foolish then. Concepts like love and commitment had been ugly swearwords. I’d stuffed my fingers in my ears and pretended they didn’t exist. 

He’d pieced together his broken heart, of course, then watched from the sidelines as I’d kissed an army of clean-shaven frogs. Been fucked by entire regiments, to be brutally honest. And took five whole years to discover not a single one measured up to the bearded beauty currently fumbling for our door key. When I flashed him a smile, he answered right back with a grin of his own, one of the conspiratorial ones passing between us daily. Saying I see you. I know you. I love you.

Cloud White is currently available on Amazon and Kindle Unlimited.
