Corrupted Desire (Villains of Vanguard Book 1) by Ryder O'Malley

Interesting view between good and bad. Ex-con and cop battling for the good of the city in different ways that are not agreeable to the other. Both have secrets, but will all this stop them from the attraction they have for each other?

From the blurb for Corrupted Desire:

The world is going to burn, and I’m the one holding the match.

Prison hardens a man. Even worse, my ex dumps me during the trial for a crime I didn’t commit. Okay, that’s a lie, but he deserved it. Two years into my sentence and the inmates of Cold Iron fear me. It’s lonely, but it’s the price of survival. This isn’t the place to think about friends, let alone a relationship.

When Vanguard needs a criminal with my fiery skills, my time in the slammer is cut short. To keep my freedom, I only have to put down a serial killer. It’d be easy if the local do-gooder stopped interfering. Gallant won’t be the reason I get locked up again. If he wasn’t smoking hot, I’d crush him. On second thought, maybe he needs a pounding.

The heroes are playing with fire, but I’m not the one about to get burned.

Corrupted Desire is a M/M, dark, snarky romance with an HEA and no cliffhangers. It features brooding heroes and sex, but not always in that order. This is book one in the Villains of Vanguard Trilogy.

Reedkaye's Review:

This is the first story I’ve read by this author. It is also the start of this series. I think it might have been good but not necessary to read the others in this world.

Ex-con and cop are always an interesting mix. In this case, watching both Diesel and Calum hiding things from each other until they don’t was entertaining. Their attraction causes both of them issues.  

Is the bad guy really bad? Can the good guy reasonably stay good? Can the two fit together?  

This was really enjoyable, and I’d like to see somewhere Luther’s story. That kid is so amazing.  

I’m anxious for the next book.

Rating: 4 Stars

Corrupted Desire is available to buy as an ebook or to read with Kindle Unlimited subscription.
