The Ghosts of Bristlewood Manor by Percy Popham

Being gay is against the law, so when Halifax needs a tutor to teach him how to deal with society and running the manor left to him, he hires Edwin. Instant attraction, but Edwin was raised by a clergyman who has taught him he is going to hell for the way he feels. Reedkaye read The Ghosts of Bristlewood Manor.

From the blurb:

When Edwin Hayward accepts a post as a tutor for Mr. Halifax Fairfield, the enigmatic master of Bristlewood Manor, he already knows it will be a peculiar experience. After all, he's been hired to educate a grown man! But when he hears ghastly noises at night and uncovers the mansion's tragic history, he soon realizes the circumstances are much more bizarre than expected.

And that's not even to mention Edwin's undeniable attraction to Mr. Fairfield, which leads him into a fiery sexual affair and forces him to grapple with his strict religious upbringing.

As his obsession with the mysteries of Bristlewood Manor and his sexual guilt drive him toward madness, Edwin finds that Mr. Fairfield, with whom he is falling in love, has even more secrets to hide, and they are even more horrific than Edwin can imagine.

Written in the style of a 19th-century Gothic horror, The Ghosts of Bristlewood Manor is Jane Eyre meets Frankenstein. It is a tale of grief and trauma, hope and forgiveness, and the power of love to protect us from the phantoms that haunt us.

Reedkaye's Review:

I was in the mood for a different type of story than I normally read when I came across the blurb for this one.

This is the first I’ve read from this author. It is a historical romance.

Edwin, being the youngest son, is ready to move from the family home. He has been educated as a teacher but finds he really does not like teaching children. He posts for a tutor job.

Halifax has had family issues that left his education lacking. Being now the owner of Bristlewood Manor, he has not the knowledge nor skills to properly be a part of society and run the Manor. He hires Edwin. Neither man enter into this agreement expecting what they find. They have an attraction to each other, but since being gay is against the law, this causes issues. Halifax has lived his life being unacceptable and is ready to be happy with himself as gay. Edwin has a clergyman for a father, and his beliefs are he is going to hell for the feelings he has.  

There are twists to this story that I didn’t expect. There is also a learning curve on my part, as I spent a lot of time looking up a number of descriptions. The story is good and the emotions are strong.  

Rating: 4 Stars

The Ghosts of Bristlewood Manor is available to buy in ebook and paperback formats
