Sea and Sky (Princes of Lane Book 1) by Morgan Lysand

"I'm becoming a big fan of Morgan's writing style." Sea and Sky was a hit with Angel.

From the blurb:

After twenty years bound to a pirate captain, merman Kyler is desperate for his freedom before his scale consumes him. For reasons unknown to Kyler, the captain agrees to set him free, if he can pay the steep price by the end of summer.

Prince Gavin, third son of the king has been denied the Grand Mage status he’s sought for seven years. Finally, the king decides to grant him a Task that would lead to him receiving the recognition he deserves. Unfortunately, there’s a pesky arranged marriage he has to deal with.

When Kyler saves the charming prince from drowning, Gavin asks him to play his lover for a month to get out of marrying a princess from another land. Kyler agrees after Gavin offers him a favor. A favor Kyler intends to take full advantage of.

Will Kyler gain his freedom or will the captain keep him forever? Can Gavin protect his heart and become a Grand Mage or will he be torn apart by betrayal?

Sea & Sky is a sweet and steamy MM fantasy romance featuring a lonely broken merman and a dragon prince who is not as arrogant as he first appears.

Angel's Review:

This is only the second book I've read by Morgan, but the way they wrote their characters always packs a punch. Morgan's book in The Black Cat Circus series is what got me hooked on their writing, so when an opportunity arose to read this book, I had to take it. I'm really glad I did. I very much enjoyed Gavin and Kyler's love story.

Speaking of their love story, it's a very slow burn romance, and at times I was wondering why their relationship got drawn out. By the time I got to the end of the book, I understood why Morgan wanted to give the characters time to get to know one another and for each of them to realize what they felt for each other outside of their scheme. I think that was really well done, and it added a very unique element to the story. The main storyline I thought was written flawlessly. I've never read a book like this one before! 

I have read books about merfolk and dragons, separately mind you, but I've never read about them like what Morgan wrote. They created and crafted their own species of dragons and merfolk and I really appreciate that they took the time and care to craft species of their own making and creativity. I think it adds a really special touch to the book. 

I felt bad for Kyler, his life was so rough and he doesn't even really know how to be a mer. And Gavin was literally born to be a pawn to his father's battle plans, which is horrendous. Thankfully, these two men love and support and care for each other, and that relationship/bond shines through the page. I have to say I also adored Damon's character, even though he's technically a side character. I hope he gets his own book eventually. He added that homey found family feel to this book. 

Overall, a really great universe that I'm very excited to keep diving into. 

Rating: 4.25 Stars

Sea and Sky is available to buy as an ebook, paperback, or to read with Kindle Unlimited subscription.
