My Perfect Screwup by Ryan Taylor and Joshua Harwood - Review and Release Day Giveaway

My Perfect Screw Up veers away from the athletic world and gives us a sweet and delicious professor/student tale...

From the blurb:


I got my Ph.D. and a fantastic teaching job by keeping my nose to the grindstone and avoiding relationships. Not that I didn’t like men—quite the opposite—but getting involved took time I didn’t have.

One summer evening, I went out for a drink and met the most beautiful guy I’d ever seen. After an unforgettable night, I couldn’t wait to meet up again, but I missed our date. Imagine my panic when I realized we’d forgotten to trade numbers.


A summer job as a law firm intern kept me busy, but one night, I needed to blow off some steam. At the bar, a gorgeous man saved me from an overzealous admirer. My rescuer gave me the kiss of my life, and I wound up in his bed. After the night turned out to be even better than the kiss, we made a date to meet again. Unfortunately, he no-showed on me, leaving me disappointed and confused for months.

The following spring, when I showed up for a class taught by some hotshot new professor, a breathtaking man walked into the room. My heart stopped because my new professor was the guy who stood me up last summer. Was I glad to see him? I wasn’t sure. But one thing was certain—I was the very last person he wanted in his class.

One man is trying to get tenure in the job of his dreams; the other is set to graduate and begin law school. Life brought them together under random circumstances, and their path isn’t an easy one. How can they make a relationship work without sacrificing everything?

My Perfect Screw Up is a contemporary gay romance involving a missed opportunity and second chance to get it right. The book includes a relationship between a college professor and student, age gap, unwavering connection, incendiary heat, found family, and dreamy HEA.

Heather's Review:

From a one night stand that was supposed to lead to a second date to the college lecture hall... the chemistry between these two men is incendiary.  I truly love how Caleb takes initiative and works to overcome Daniel's objections.  There is a bit of best friend/found family intrigue and a lot of learning to trust each other.    

The third act issues are solved through communication and building connections with each other and their found family.  I appreciate the way that one of the side characters, Luca, experienced growth and development in the story.

I can't wait to see more of the characters from this friend group find their HEA - especially Luca.

Rating: 4 Stars

Alyssa P's Review:

Whenever I read a book by Joshua Harwood and Ryan Taylor; I am in love with their writing and plot development!!

I loved the moment Daniel and Caleb met and spent the evening together.

Unfortunately, both main characters don’t see each other for a while after that, but the moment they meet again, their chemistry is palpable! Daniel is Caleb’s professor for his history class, so with some misunderstandings along the way and the age gap concern, both have to hide their relationship.

The author's writing style when describing the pressures both main characters feel is outstanding. The audience really emphasizes with them. I was so happy their communication allowed them to solve issues that arise between them. Often in romance books a stupid problem or instance will break the characters up for a time. I’m glad both characters had the intelligence to solve their problems together.

I loved the chemistry, and connection Daniel and Caleb have. I definitely recommend this book!

Rating: 5 Stars


by Ryan Taylor & Joshua Harwood

Release Blitz

Release Date: August 9, 2023

Cover Design: Cate Ashwood Designs
Photo: Xram Ragde
Model: Edu Volpato
Genre: M/M Contemporary Romance
Trope: Second chance, age-gap, found family, college professor/student, HEA

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About the Authors

Ryan Taylor met his husband and co-author, Joshua Harwood, in law school. They live in a suburb of Washington, DC, and share their home with a big, cuddly German shepherd. Ryan and Josh love to travel. In addition, Ryan also enjoys swimming, and Josh likes to putter in the garden whenever he can. They began writing to celebrate the romance they were so lucky to find with each other, and the sharing soon developed into a passion for telling stories about love between out and proud men.

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