Puckless by Declan Rhodes (Hockey Heroes Book 1)

Declan Rhodes is starting a new hockey series with Puckless and I'm totally here for all the action! 

From the blurb:

Ethan Underwood is a muscular, determined professional hockey player on the rise with a body that makes fans swoon and opponents tremble. His powerful shots and smooth puck handling leave everyone in awe, but when it comes to matters of the heart, Ethan is more than a little clumsy and awkward

Enter Ryan Parker, a witty and charismatic sports journalist who is as sharp as the blade of a skate. He has a knack for uncovering scandalous stories.

Ethan's accidental mishap on the ice landing him at Ryan's feet sets the pair off on a collision course toward romance.

Heather's Review:

Puckless combines so much of what I love in a hockey-based romance - the hot and brilliant hockey mind that has trouble functioning in relationships off the ice; the smooth talking journalist with a need to peer beneath the surface and investigate what's happening on and off the ice; add in a potentially homophobic hockey environment, threats against a fellow teammate and lots of chemistry and you see just where Puckless can take us!

Well paced, with good banter, a touch of snark and a coming out story, if you read sports romance, you're definitely going to want to add Puckless to your TBR.

Rating: 4.5 Stars

Puckless is available in e-book and paperback formats and can be read as part of your Kindle Unlimited subscription.
