From the blurb:
They were never supposed to meet, then tragedy strikes, throwing them in each other’s paths.
Blaise Thompson had everything he always wanted: A soulmate, a daughter, and the person he spent more than half his life with. When the foundation of his life cracks after the death of one of his partners, he’s left adrift, relying on his husband and his new friendship with Grant to get him through.
Grant Davis-Wilde's unconventional upbringing taught him to never settle, except his insecurities and anxiety prevented him from making meaningful connections. When he loses the one person who understood, he finds himself alone in the tragedy until Blaise and his husband offer a lifeline he desperately needs.
Sawyer Thompson would do anything for his husband, including inviting the man they were never supposed to meet into their lives so Blaise can have someone else to lean on. What he doesn’t expect is to feel drawn to the gorgeous, hurting man.
In the wake of their shared heartbreak, Blaise and Grant cling to one another, finding safety and connection they never expected, but neither hesitates to grab with both hands. And Sawyer finds himself falling head over heels for Grant, the other man filling pieces Sawyer didn't know he was missing. But grief isn’t easy, and with every step forward, there are two steps back.
Grant desperately wants to be a part of the unique family Blaise and Sawyer come with, but his past insecurities won't allow him to believe he can have what they're offering. In the end, it'll take Blaise's understanding and friendship, and Sawyer's quiet and gentle way of loving to ensure all three get the ending they deserve.
Angel's Review:
As the headline for this review suggests I've never read a book quite like this before. I've read other books that have been mmm+ but I've never read something that's been written and composed like this one.
I'm really glad that Abrianna put a page where there was explanations of different terms that were used throughout the book, cause I've never heard of a lot of these terms and that page really helped me understand what they meant. I had never heard of all of the different varieties of polyamorous relationships before I read this book, I was educated while reading this incredible story, and I loved that! I love when an author can gently educate you on topics you weren't knowledgeable in. And now I know things I didn't know previously.
Besides getting educated on topics I didn't know, the writing for this was was phenomenal! The characters are all going through their own types of grief, they are all grieving. And the other made sure to express the fact that everyone grieves in their own way, there is no right or wrong to how you feel after losing someone. And that's really important. I'm so happy the author took such a heavy and serious topic and wrote it so well, and had so many important messages sprinkled throughout the story.
The characters themselves were incredible! Yes, there were a lot of character to keep track of, but this book was written so well that it didn't get confusing. It made sense to have those characters be where they were. I loved all of the characters, their personalities were incredible! I'm really glad I was able to read this incredible book, featuring these amazing characters; Blaise, Sawyer, Grant, Daley, Graham, Eric, Evan, Logan, and Vincent. The messages were really poignant and well written.
Rating: 5 Stars
Molly Otto's Review:
Abri has done something that I wish other authors were able to do. They enlightened me on a lifestyle that I didn't quite get before. They show the reader so many different aspects of how a heart can be open to love, from platonic to soul defining.
This book begins with the loss of a partner who kept the relationships separate, but with her passing, these men get to meet and help the other move on to a different place. Sawyer and Grant have that undeniable chemistry from first meeting, and Blaise (Sawyers' husband, Cindy's other partner) sparks a friendship with a kindred spirit in Grant, who with the passing of Cindy, is left alone.
Absolutely adored the slow build-up of all these relationships to show we all grieve and love differently. Thank you, Abri, for bringing this type of lifestyle into the literary world. We need more inclusion of all types of relationships to show love is love, in all shapes and forms.
Rating: 5 Stars
A Gentle Way to Love is available to buy as an ebook, paperback, or to read with Kindle Unlimited subscription.
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