#NSFWednesday - Something Unexpected (Split Rock Ranch #2) by Rory Maxwell


Happy Hump Day! Today's #NSFWednesday brings us a steamy selection from Rory Maxwell's Something Unexpected, book two in their Split Rock Ranch series. 

From the Blurb:

DOMINIC LAUDER never thought he’d return to Split Rock Ranch. But after twenty years, he finds himself knocking on his aunt’s door. He just wishes he was there with better news. Nick is used to making difficult calls in the name of family…except those family obligations weren’t supposed to come up against a smoking hot ranch manager, his enticing young husband, and the undeniable attraction that crackles between the three of them. Now Nick has to decide what’s more important: his responsibilities or his heart.

MICAH AVERY has always followed his heart and it’s gotten him everything he’s ever dreamed of. He’s married to his first love, his horse-training business is taking off, and life at the ranch couldn’t be better. But his perfect world is turned upside down with the arrival of Nick Lauder. Micah never expected his heart to lead him in this direction, but it hasn’t steered him wrong yet.

RYAN AVERY is amazed by the happiness he’s found with Micah. But one thing he's learned from his husband of three years, is that anything is possible. When Nick’s arrival opens up the opportunity for some no-strings-attached fun, Ryan is completely on board. Then the three of them click in ways that Ryan couldn’t have anticipated, and he starts to see possibilities he’d never dreamed of. Possibilities that just need to survive Nick’s real reason for being there.

Something Unexpected is an 80k, high-heat, MMM romance with a happily established couple finding their third, a dash of bedroom-only kink, absolutely no cheating, and a guaranteed HEA. It’s the second book in the Split Rock Ranch series and is best enjoyed after book one.


“Oh, fuck,” Micah groaned, his skin going tingly at the roughness in Nick’s voice. The kinky stuff wasn’t always a part of his and Ryan’s sex life, but when they indulged, holy shit it was incredible. They’d tried everything from blindfolds to bondage to some very fun toys. Playful spanking was a favorite for both of them, as was Ryan taking control and blowing Micah’s mind. It wasn’t anything they kept up outside the bedroom, but they were both adventurous when it came to sex, and willing to give their fantasies a shot.

Micah shifted against the hard wood of the table and shivered at how exposed he was. Spread out and on display for not one but two incredibly sexy men. He sank his teeth into his lower lip. He wasn’t body shy by any means, but it was different to be so exposed when they were still fully dressed.

Nick’s eyes raked over him like he was a delicious offering, and Micah squirmed. God, he was so hard he was practically leaking, and no one had even touched him yet. How was this real life?

Ryan stepped to the side and jerked his chin at Nick. “Lose the shirt.”

Nick didn’t hesitate, just ripped his shirt over his head and tossed it aside. So many muscles. And those nipple piercings. Micah wanted to feel them under his tongue. He looked to Ryan hopefully and got a smile in return, as if his husband had read his mind.

Ryan stepped up behind Nick and rested his hands on denim-clad hips. Nick’s eyes went half-lidded, and his head tipped back when Ryan’s palm slid down over the clearly defined line of his erection and gave it a squeeze. “Fuck,” Nick bit out. “Some warning would be good.” Despite the protest, he rolled his hips into the touch, his lips parting on a sigh.

“Fair enough,” Ryan said as he turned his head and flicked his tongue against Nick’s earlobe. “I want to strip you naked and watch you suck off my husband. Then I’m going to jerk you off until you come all over him. Sound good?”

Micah’s brain short-circuited as red-hot desire shot through him. He almost didn’t hear Nick’s groan of agreement, but he saw Nick’s head jerk in a nod.

Ryan’s hand slid up to tug at one of Nick’s pierced nipples. Nick’s back arched, and Micah slid his hand over his own chest, mirroring the action. That earned him an approving growl from Ryan.

Ryan’s deft fingers went to Nick’s buckle next, opening his pants and pushing them down until his thick cock sprang free, the piercing at the tip catching the light. Micah’s mouth watered with the urge to get his mouth on it again, to really take his time exploring and learning what Nick liked.

Once Nick had kicked his pants off, Ryan urged him around to the end of the table. Micah took the opportunity to watch his ass flex as he moved. The guy was flawless, like a sculpture, and hard in all the right places. Micah wanted to lick every inch of him. His eyes flicked up to Ryan, and he grinned when he caught his husband staring as well. Oh yeah. They were definitely on the same page when it came to Nicky Lauder.

Despite watching him move, Micah still startled when Nick dropped to his knees and his hands landed on Micah’s thighs. He looked up and found Nick watching him intently. He was waiting for permission, Micah realized. He pulled his heels up to the edge of the table and spread his knees helpfully. “Gonna show me what you’ve got?” he teased, ignoring the way his heart was pounding. Nick’s eyes slid to his straining cock, which twitched eagerly under his gaze.

Nick’s lips curled wickedly as his hands slid up Micah’s thighs and pressed his legs open wider. “You might want to hold on to something.” Then he ducked down and sucked Micah’s cock into his hot, wet mouth.

Something Unexpected is currently available on Amazon and as part of your Kindle Unlimited subscription. 
