Charles, Earl of Crofton (Earls of Crofton #3) by Rebecca Cohen

Heather says "Having only dipped my toes in Rebecca Cohen's historical Earls of Crofton after reading the contemporary series, I was delighted by both the flow and depth of Charles, Earl of Crofton!"
From the blurb:

Anyone who had thought Lord Byron mad, bad and dangerous to know, obviously hadn’t met Charles Redbourn, 8th Earl of Crofton.

Charles Redbourn cares little for anyone’s opinion, life is there to be lived and the London Ton provides a host of pleasures. He is used to getting his own way and, after another clash with the impertinent Captain Timothy Thorne, Charles is determined to put the uniformed upstart in his place.

Both are stubborn and passionate men, and someone is going to win this battle of wits—to the winner the spoils.

But when enemies turn into lovers, they face an uncertain future. Charles has to decide which is more important, Timothy or being the Earl of Crofton.

Trigger warnings: drug use and recovery

Heather's Review:

Charles Redbourn lives up to his family's legacy of debauchery and decadence, but the love story with Timothy and the intrigue surrounding it were incredibly compelling and down right disastrous to my plans!  I couldn't put this book down - it was riveting from the cat and mouse interplay to the growing affection between the main characters and finally, the magnitude of the choices that both men need to make in order to be together - it still takes my breath away!

The book combines a well research historical setting, believable situations and of course a whole lot of steam and growing affection!  I truly appreciated the full circle nature of our glimpse into these mens lives and I love the easter eggs that were tucked into the book regarding Charles' son and hero of the next book, Samuel!  

I have added the rest of Cohen's historical m/m romances to my growing TBR and can't wait to read Samuel's book!

Rating: 5 Stars 

Charles, Earl of Crofton is available to buy as an ebook, paperback, or to read with Kindle Unlimited subscription.
