#TeaserTuesday - The Healer (Knights of Boston #1) by Courtney W. Dixon [NSFW]


For today's #TeaserTuesday, we have a sneak peek at Courtney W. Dixon's new Knights of Boston series with book one, The Healer. This book is currently available for pre-order on Amazon and will release on Saturday April 15, 2023. 

From the Blurb:

To heal the body, you must first heal the soul.


I lost everything. My parents were murdered, my best friend was sent to prison for a drug deal gone wrong, and eventually, my grandmother, who raised me since I was fifteen, died. I have been living life day to day to make a good life away from gangs and violence. As a nurse, I can finally do something meaningful. But I’ve been lonely, too, until the bumbling nurse standing a foot taller than me had me constantly irritated, yet I found him strangely endearing.


Family is everything. Family is life and goodness, and I would do anything to protect them. Including protecting them from me. When I came out as gay at thirteen, it threatened to tear the family apart. Some supported me. Some were disgusted. So, back into the closet I went to maintain the peace. But after eighteen years of absolute loneliness, there is only one man who could finally pull me out to see the light of day. José is a fiery nurse I work with, and I want him. Unfortunately, I keep irritating him too much for him to really notice me.

Can the two men stop dancing around each other and colliding long enough to realize they are the perfect match? Will Jonas’ family finally accept him as he is? And danger lurks too close to home for José. Can he protect those he loves in time?

CW: Homophobia, bullying, racism, teenage drinking and smoking, death of parents, sibling abuse, attempted murder, violence, explicit language, and sex.

Knights of Boston is a three-book subseries from Kings of Boston, filled with fan-favorite secondary characters. Each book will work as a standalone and the characters will not mingle with each other. Each one will be its own story.
I didn’t mind topping, but I rarely got to bottom, and I missed it. I’ve even had men outright laugh at me whenever I requested it, so I didn’t ask often. That he wanted to top and didn’t care about my size had me crushing on him even harder than before. José was a man I’d be willing to risk it for.
“Get in that bed, Jo. And make it quick.”
Now, no one had ever ordered me about before, for obvious reasons, but his barking at me to get in bed had my dick doing a happy dance, having no idea how easily I wanted to give in. The desire to give him all my control set my soul at ease, never realizing how much I wanted this. No, I needed this. I was suddenly home.

I scrambled into his bed and fell on my back.
“No, Jo. On your stomach, and your ass in the air.”
It wasn’t a position I was used to, but I didn’t hesitate. And though my face burned in his pillows, I sucked it up while inhaling his scent.
José climbed in bed behind me and rubbed my ass with his calloused hands, sending waves of chills and desire through me.
“Jesus, you have no idea how much your willingness to be vulnerable right now is hot as fuck, Jo. The amount of trust… And you have a gorgeous fucking ass. Look at your hole fluttering for me, so hungry for my cock.”

The Healer is available for preorder on Amazon now and will be available with your Kindle Unlimited subscription on Saturday April 15, 2023.
