#TeaserTuesday - Defender (Kensley Panthers #3) by Nicole Dykes


For this #TeaserTuesday, we travel back over to Kensley, Kansas to take a sneak peek at book three in Nicole Dykes' Kensley Panthers series, Defender. This book releases on Monday, April 17, 2023 and is currently available for pre-order on Amazon. 

From the Blurb:

Travis Wyatt

All I’ve ever wanted was to go to college and get out of Kensley. That small town is all I’ve ever known. I want to be free to be myself, not stifled by small minds in the football-loving town where I grew up.

And then I blew my one and only chance.

So now, I’m just stuck. Stuck in small-town life, with the same small-town people I’ve always known. Stuck where I don’t want to be. Constantly on the defense and hiding secrets about myself. To never be the real me.

I’m lost, and I’m angry. But those people I was desperate to get away from, they don’t stop. They insist on showing me that maybe it’s not about my location.

That maybe I can be free right where I am.

Oakley Easton

Travis is way too uptight. I don’t know why. He has everything a guy could want—a steady job and friends who would do anything for him. A great simple, small-town life. But I guess that’s not what he wants.

He’s always been different. Better. Smarter. Stronger.

Still, I find myself wanting to show him everything he’s dreamed of is within his grasp. That he doesn’t have to be so serious all the time. That he can be himself wherever he is, and I’ll back him up. 

Because that’s what I’m good at—on and off the field. I’ll always be his defender.

If he’d only let me.


“It’s a big deal for me.” His weight is braced by both his arms on either side of my body, and I can see the veins in his biceps popping with the strain. “I want this, but I want you to want it too.”
 I meet his eyes, confusion swirling in my gut. He wants this. “I wouldn’t have asked for it if I didn’t want it,” I say honestly. 
“With me?” I nod, and then I see the vulnerability in his eyes. Oh. Ohhh. 

“Yes, with you,” I say and brush a hand over his cheek. “I want this. I just didn’t want to pressure you into it.”
“Pressure me?” he says with a startled laugh that breaks the tension. “I’ve wanted this since the first time we kissed. I just didn’t know if you were saving it for someone special.”
I move my hand down over his throat and then over his thundering heart. The vulnerability is back for both of us, it seems. And I don’t want to think about the weird thoughts swirling around in my brain—screaming at me that I was waiting for someone special, and Oakley is that someone special. Because I don’t want to confuse myself. We both know what this is. He wants easy—simple. It’s who he is. He doesn’t want complicated, and we started this because he doesn’t want to hurt anyone. Because to him and to me, there was no chance of either of us complicating this. It’s just sex. A new friendship with an old nemesis. At least for my part, but I’m pretty sure Oakley thought we were always friends. “I have one request then.”
“Okay?” It comes out like a question, my throat dry from the nerves coursing through me. 
“You can say no . . .” he starts, and my heart is rapidly beating in my chest, tired of the anticipation. 
“What is it, Oakley ? What do you want?” 

Defender is currently available for preorder on Amazon and will be available as part of your Kindle Unlimited subscription on Monday April 17, 2023.

