Inheritance (Pillars of Magic: Dominion Chapter, #1) by Lissa Kasey

Intriguing worldbuilding with magic, witches, vampires and more. Inheritance is the first book in the Pillars of Magic: Dominion Chapter series and after finishing this one I plan on binging the rest! 

From the blurb:

In a world of witches, he loves a vampire.

Seiran Rou hides his power to avoid persecution in a world where only female witches thrive. He studies forbidden magic and practices spells that could be lethal to a lesser witch, shapeshifting, and even bending the earth to his will. Only one person knows Seiran’s secrets, and the illicit levels of magic Seiran hides. His vampire boss and lover, Gabe, who holds Seiran’s life and his heart in his cold and undead hands.

A test of elemental magic forces Seiran to out himself as a witch with incredible power. But recognition brings a lot of the wrong kind of attention including the kind he could have lived without, literally, as witches around him fall victim to a deadly killer.

Suspicion turns to Seiran, as accusations of stealing magic forces him search for the predator and stop the murders with Gabe’s help. As their passion deepens, the darkness surrounding them threatens to tear them apart. Will Seiran embrace his true power and save himself and the man he loves?

Jacqueleen the Reading Queen's Review:

So I am SUPER late to the party here as this book came out literal years ago, but this was another rec from my lovely book buddy Janet and like usual she was spot on in her recommendation. There was a lot I loved about Inheritance, the series opener, number one being our hot mess of an MC Sei. Who also happens to be a witch. He's definitely a memorable character for sure. Sei has, for lack of a better term, issues. He's a commitment-phobe to the max, has rampant OCD, and his self esteem is basically in the toilet. Oh and his favorite coping mechanism is sex. The picture of a healthy individual am I right? That's not even mentioning the absolutely messed up hierarchy of Witch Society that places male witches firmly at the bottom. Never mind that Sei's mother is also a massive b-i-t-c-h to top it all off. Despite all these things, Sei still has someone in his corner he can always count on, and that person, well vampire, is Gabe.

“You’re so fucked up, Sei. Beautifully fucked up.”

I felt for Gabe for a lot of the book. I know Sei has reasons for being the way he is, but Gabe stuck by his side for almost a decade. I'm pretty sure at that point Sei should have realized Gabe wasn't like everyone else and was telling the truth when he said he wanted more from Sei. Then again, Sei's mental health isn't the greatest and his past has him convinced he's truly unlovable. It broke my heart on both their accounts. Thankfully it was put back together when Sei finally, finally, saw the light and realized what an amazing man Gabe was and how much he adored him. I seriously wanted to cheer out loud I was so happy!

“He thinks I’m beautiful, even when I’m ugly. He kisses me like I matter. Loves me even when I can’t love myself.”

Just perfect. Aside from the romance there is an ongoing plot and also a few surprises and twists. Jamie was definitely a favorite of mine as a side character, even if he pinged the creep o meter numerous times. Regardless, I felt he was genuine in his persistence to be there for Sei. Being a male witch makes one a target for enemies, but not friends. I was glad Sei was able to count Jamie as the latter. Kasey had me engrossed in this story and I'm excited to see what direction this series goes in next.

Rating: 5 Stars

Inheritance is available to buy in ebook and paperback formats.
