Dexterity Check by Katherine McIntyre (Dungeons and Dating book 5)

One of our newest reviewers says "These two stole my heart and kept me reading until I hit the end." about Dexterity Check.

From the blurb:

Eli’s sworn off irresponsible flirts, and Arjun’s one of the worst—aggravating, provoking, and everything Eli can’t resist.

After fifteen years in the military, Eli Reynolds has returned to San Francisco with broken dreams and a broken heart, courtesy of his now ex-boyfriend. He’s determined to avoid anyone like his cheating ex—which means steering clear of Tabletop Tavern’s resident flirt, Arjun Gupta.

Arjun wants a break. Ever since he added his grandmother’s nursing home to his monthly bills, he’s drowning in debt. On top of his job as chef at Tabletop Tavern, he’s been stripping at nights to cover the extra costs. She’s worth every sleepless hour, but he’s desperate for relief—of any sort. Too bad Tabby’s cousin Eli is too high and mighty for a fling.

Eli and Arjun can’t seem to avoid each other, and with each collision they realize more and more that they might have misjudged—especially when all those sparks spill over into something hot and unforgettable. However, when Eli’s folks decide to move across the country, Eli needs to choose: remain in the place that reminds him of his failures or start over fresh—and if Arjun isn’t here for keeps, Eli can’t risk his heart to stay.

Roll the dice on romance at Tabletop Tavern…

Holly's Review:

Arjun, the chef and dancer with his heart of gold and flirty humor filled deflection, but over time Eli, the retired vet, wanted nothing more than to find his place in the world, sees Arjun's true nature, a vulnerable, hardworking loyal man who just need to let his guard down - Eli is much the same, but while feeling like he doesn’t quite belong… 

Can these two make it work?
Yes, yes, they can! 

All of the secondary characters had a firm place in the story and each one played a role in making the world the author has created so beautiful and real. Nani is simply the best and I want to hug her, and then sit down and have tea while she ogles every hot man in sight. 

The way Katherine brought these two together was simply brilliant. It was real, raw and believable. I fell into their world and didn’t want to leave. 

Both men started the story with a lot of baggage but together and with their found family in their corner, the world is a brighter place. 

Rating: 5 Stars

Heather's Review:

I've been waiting for Arjun's story to find out why he's so standoffish and to explore his back story and Kat McIntyre doesn't disappoint with his story or his pairing with Eli, who has issues of his own..

This story is a slow burn, building friends to lovers story that answers so many questions and fleshes out why we've seen tension from both men in the previous books - that being said, if Dexterity Check is your first Dungeons and Dating story, you'll still find the story well crafted and I think it can easily be read standalone.

Kat has created such a beautiful world surrounding the Tabletop Tavern and the friend group that work and hang out there and the icing on the cake in Dexterity Check is getting to meet Nani and see just where Arjun gets his spirit and sass!

I can't wait for the final story in this series although I'm glad that Kat has already announced a spin off series so we can get cameos of these amazing characters for books to come!

Rating; 5 Stars

Reedkaye's Review:

This is the first story I’ve read by this author and I now feel the need to check on the rest of this series.
I found these characters both likable and with issues that they were trying to deal with. Eli feels he has been searching his whole life for something. Never finding where he really fits. He leaves the military planning a future with someone that just does not work out. Then he is left sort of drifting. He meets Arjun, and he really doesn’t like him at the get to know you stage.

Arjun has not had an easy life. Right from the beginning, he has a past that makes him keep from getting too close to anyone. He has responsibilities and even though working two jobs, can’t pay all the bills. He is attracted to Eli, but not in a relationship way. He doesn’t do nor want a relationship. Yet when these two keep meeting and start to get to know each other, both have to rethink where they are headed.  

 Even though I’m not a gamer, I enjoyed this story. I feel that it is easily read as a standalone. I also enjoyed the secondary characters, especially Arjun’s grandmother. She gave me an understanding of Arjun’s personality. I really enjoyed the interaction between Eli and Arjun. The public personality of Arjun made me laugh more than a few times. Eli’s reaction to Arjun was perfect. I feel this author has a talent for making characters likable even through the good and the bad. I will be watching for more of this series.

Rating: 5 Stars

Reds Book Reads Review:

That said, this was a really great book, and I enjoyed reading it. I loved how we slowly got to learn more about Eli and Arjun as the story developed, and it was great to see them finding their path. 

Nani is just the best and I absolutely want to be her when I’m older. She absolutely cracked me up. Altogether, this was a really good book, and I enjoyed it. This is definitely an author I will look out for in future.

Rating: 4.5 Stars

Dexterity Check is available in paperback and e-book formats and can be read as part of your Kindle Unlimited subscription.
