Sweet Heat by Eola Eden

Sweet Heat has an interesting take on the alpha and omega trope says our reviewer, Angel.

From the blurb:

Fate has brought them together. Can they heal each other’s wounded hearts?

Brayden Redstone has spent years in captivity to the Highborn, a group of shifters who want to breed their own army. Desperate to escape, he finally slips through his captors’ clutches and reaches Haven, an island sanctuary for omegas.

Rex Cleveland is a physician at Haven. His alpha nature is attracted to Brayden, but he knows the fox shifter needs time to recuperate from his ordeal. Besides, the half-human Rex can’t shift … and feels unworthy to mate with anyone.

As Brayden recovers, he gradually realizes that the feelings Rex stirs in him are the natural desires of an omega for his alpha. Can Rex put aside his need to protect Brayden and accept that this mating is freely chosen? And even if he does, can Brayden overcome the scars of his past?

***Notice*** This 55k novel contains material suited for adults only.

Angel's Review:

I really enjoyed the author's take on this trope, I've never read anything like this. Sweet Heat is different and unique and I'm very happy I was able to read this. I loved all of these characters. Merry, Rex, Brayden, Brayden's son and Mira, and Brayden's parents. 

I thought the way Rex was written was very interesting, he is half shifter,half with, and half human. He knows he has an alpha side inside of him but he's never felt connected to that side of him, not until he meets Brayden. I loved that he finally shifted once they became bonded. It was such a sweet moment. 

Overall a really great story, I'm interested in reading more from this author. The reason I didn't give this a 5 star is because I've found some grammar issues along with some sentences that are disjointed. I also wish there was more information about Jaekin. He kept getting brought up as if there was going to be more information and then there was no more information. 

I recommend this book to anyone who wants a unique take on Alpha's and Omega's. 

Rating: 4 Stars

Sweet Heat is available to buy as an ebook or read as part of Kindle Unlimited subscription.
